Basic information

Present guide describes development process of a payment module for payments receipt on the Internet using WEBPAY system and test environment (Sandbox) usage to test out a module during development.

Development procedure

  1. Take a close look at present guide.
  2. Open the web test environment application for modules in development at the following URL:, using parameters received in the letter from your personal WEBPAY manager.
  3. Get familiar with Sandbox interface and fill in required fields (Company profile).
  4. Proceed with payment module development in accordance with present guide.
  5. Test out your module.
  6. Receive a letter with new parameters for payment module transition from test environment into real payment system (Transition from test into real environment).
  7. Make alterations to your payment module.

Web application interface

Web application interfaces of Sandbox test system and real system are equal. Pay attention to URL of the current environment in your browser ( for test environment and for real one). Before development starts we recommend to launch the web application and get familiar with its content (Personal Cabinet).

Application home page

The following page will be shown when opening the web application:

Main screen of the app

There is main statistics about your billing account shown on this page. Here you can also form statistics for specific period of time. There is navigation panel of the left which provides you control over your account as well as required information on past transactions.

Secret key installation

Secret key is required to form electronic signature of your every payment (Electronic signature of an order). This parameter is required to be filled in and it is impossible to execute transactions without it. To install a key you should fill the SecretKey field. To do that you should go to "Settings" → "Company". This field may contain random symbol sequence except for the sign &.

Setting the secret key

Financial operations overview

Use "Payments" option in the menu to view all financial operations. This page contains all financial operations (transactions) with cards processed online.

Viewing payments

Each transaction is linked to invoice (account). Invoice may be of three types of transactions, such as:

  • Authorized — payment is in state of authorization (funds on the payer`s card are frozen). In this state payer`s account was not yet debited (fund are just frozen) and money was not yet credited to your bank account.
  • Completed — card was charged with the required amount and money will be transferred to your bank account in time period specified by acquiring bank.
  • System — system transaction.

There is a number in the "Account ID" field to which all transactions are linked. To view all transactions linked to this number as well as all parameters of a payment you should click the link. As a result you will be redirected to a page with information about this invoice.

Information about the payment

Login into WEBPAY Personal Cabinet

Access to the Personal Cabinet is performing by an internet browser using protected communication channel.

To access the WEBPAY Personal Cabinet you must enter one of the following addresses: — for real environment; — for test environment.

In the opened window you must type in login and password provided by your personal manager from WEBPAY company.

Log in to your WEBPAY account


Pay attention that your connections must be protected, so necessarily use "https" protocol instead of "http".

In case of successful authorization you`ll be directed to the monitoring panel page. Monitoring panel is conditionally split into five blocks:

  • block of statistics forming for the date interval — manages statistics display for the selected date interval;
  • invoices statistics block — this block displays information about invoices that have already been paid, are waiting to be paid, or have expired and also about total number of invoices. Moreover, you can quickly translate from this block to the Invoices section by pressing the "Invoices" button and create a new invoice by pressing the "New Invoice" button;
  • exchange rates block;
  • payment statistics block — displays a balance for selected period of time and located here button allows you to quickly translate to the payment section. The "Current Account Balance" field displays the total amount of Completed Payments and Recurrent Payments, minus the amount of Refunds;
  • payment methods statistics block — displays the percentage ratio of statistics on the fraction of bank cards (both successful payments and unsuccessful attempts).

On the left side of the screen there is a hiding menu, from which you can translate to the "Invoices", "Payments", "Payments log", "Reports" and "Settings" sections.

The dashboard

Filling parameters of WEBPAY Personal Cabinet ("Company")

Before getting started you should check the main settings of your billing account. To do that, go to the menu entry "Settings" → "Company". In this section you can change information about your organization (address, city, postal code, contact phone number). Also in this section you can make the following changes:

  • input the "Secret Key" (this entity is REQUERED in case of integration with the site. Skip to section Integration);
  • input "Notification URL", which will be using by the system to send you specifically formed queries with payment details;
  • change system language (it uses Russian by default);
  • set time and date format;
  • set the fractional part (number of decimal places for prices in EUR, USD and RUB currencies).

To change the other data (company name, company website, legal body name) you`ll have to contact your personal WEBPAY manager.

WEBPAY Personal Account Parameters

Accounts creation ("Users")

Open your personal cabinet and proceed to "Settings" → "Users". Here you can add, remove and manage user accounts of your company which have access to WEBPAY.


To create a new user, click on the "Add User" button in the "Settings" → "Users" menu.

Adding an account

You will need to specify the following fields in the popped-up form:

  • username (login from 4 to 12 Latin letters),
  • first name,
  • last name,
  • phone,
  • email,
  • country,
  • state,
  • ZIP code,
  • city,
  • address,
  • password,
  • password confirmation.

In the "Groups" list you should also specify the rights for account owner:

  • administrator,
  • buyer,
  • system account,
  • guest.

If you want to allow the new account to create invoices and users and edit their data, you need to select "Billing Account" from the pop-up list.

Creating a new account
  • leave "Yes" in the "Multi login",
  • choose "No" in the "Active" field if you plan to make that account active later. Otherwise choose "Yes".

Press "Save" button to finish account creation.

You also have an ability to create accounts for your standing customers. To do this you need to select "Consumer Account" from the pop-up list. Then you`ll be able to make an invoice to that customer by selecting him from the list.

In the "Users" menu you can always check already created accounts or edit them. To edit an account you need to select one and then press "Edit user" button, which locates in the top right corner of the screen.

Filling in your account details

Payment information viewing

In the "Payments" menu you can view all payments received for the benefit of your company and paid by credit card online.

  • transaction ID — a unique transaction number (if transaction ID is specified, the transaction has been completed successfully),
  • invoice ID,
  • payment method,
  • sum,
  • 3DS — if payer`s card participates in 3D-Secure procedure this field should contain "Yes",
  • payer,
  • processing gateway,
  • status,
  • batch date.
Payment information

For the convenience of searching and working with information in the "Payments" and "Payments log" menu you can search for payments according to the interested parameters. To do this, use the window at the top of the list. You can expand the window to get advanced search options. By default, we recommend to sort payments by payment date. You can search by the following parameters:

  • specify a time interval for searching;
  • specify the RRN (unique transaction number assigned by the processing center);
  • specify the email, tied to the transaction;
  • specify the invoice ID;
  • specify the transaction ID;
  • specify the card number;
  • specify the transaction status.
Advanced search according to parameters

In the "Invoices" menu you can view all invoices filed by your company, including already paid one. The following information is available in the list:

  • creation date — a date when the invoice was filed;
  • invoice ID — a unique invoice ID;
  • invoice name — an invoice name in the WEBPAY system;
  • invoice PO — a name, you have specified when filed the invoice;
  • buyer — a buyer for which the invoice is issued;
  • payment method — a method that was used to meet the invoice (Internet-acquiring or ERIP);
  • order amount and currency — total amount and currency of the invoice;
  • due date — a date until which the invoice can be paid;
  • payment status.
Information about issued invoices

Additional information will be shown after clicking an invoice:

Additional information about issued invoices

Payments log

All payment attempts made by bank card, including unsuccessful ones, are displayed in the "Payments log" menu with textual information about the operation result. The list contains the following information:

  • ID — request ID in the WEBPAY system;
  • transaction ID — a unique transaction number (if transaction ID is specified, the transaction has been completed successfully);
  • creation date;
  • batch date;
  • payment method;
  • type — payment system of the bank card;
  • payment instrument — partially covered bank card number;
  • response code — processing center response code;
  • response text — decryption of the processing center response;
  • account ID;
  • 3DS — is specified as "Yes" if the payer`s card participates in the 3D-Secure procedure.
Payments log

After clicking the "Transaction ID" field the "Transaction log" windows will be opened. You can also find a link to the receipt that the payer received after successful payment.

Журнал операций по платежу

Errors section

The Errors section in your WEBPAY personal cabinet allows you to track and analyze errors that occur during the payment process of your payers. Using this information, you can quickly identify and eliminate the causes of errors to help your customers solve payment problems, improve the quality of service to your customers and increase the efficiency of your processes.

This section displays all subsections corresponding to the abbreviated names of the acquiring banks' processing centres through which you work. To go to a particular subsection, just click on the name of the subsection and you will see the table with errors.

Table of errors

For each processing bank there is a table with errors, which consists of the following columns:

  • Error code — the error code provided to us by the bank.
  • Error Text — the error text message that is reflected in the payer's cheque when the payment is unsuccessful.
  • Explanation/Reasons of occurrence — reasons of error occurrence and its explanation to make it clear to you why this error occurred.
  • Recommendations — description of what you can do to prevent the error from repeating.

How to use the Errors section

To use the Errors section, perform the following actions:

  1. Go to the Errors section from the menu of your personal cabinet.
  2. Select the subsection corresponding to the processing bank through which the payment attempt was made.
  3. Look through the error table to find the error you are interested in.
  4. Read the explanation of the error to understand its cause.
  5. Follow the recommendations to resolve the error.

If you encounter an error that you cannot find in the Errors section, or you are unable to fix the error yourself, please let us know. We will help you to fix the error and solve any other problems related to payment.

Accounting for completed payments

To get a report about payment made through AIS "Raschet" (ERIP) and/or Internet-acquiring, as well as the reconciliation results of the received funds, you need to go to the reporting system: for the test environment or for the real environment. Use the same Login and Password as you use to access your Personal WEBPAY Cabinet.

You can export reports from the cabinet to MS Excel. Also you can receive reports to your email in .xlsx files or in JSON format without entering the system. Please, get acquainted with API for receiving reports to learn how to activate that feature.

Log in to the reporting system

Accounting for transactions made through AIS "Raschet" (ERIP)

Select "ERIP" → "Payment results" the menu entity. A report with the order payment results and information about funds transferring will show up. Record in the report appears immediately after payment. Later, upon the formation of the AIS "Raschet" registries, the reports will be supplemented with information about funds transfer. The reconciliation performs automatically, and then gets a successful or unsuccessful status.

Report ERIP → Payment results
Report fields description
Name Description
Payment status

Payment processing result. Possible values:

Successful payment — the WEBPAY system did confirm the payment success;

Payment error — the WEBPAY system did NOT confirm the payment success;

NOT confirmed by WEBPAY — ERIP reconciliation report contains information about a non-existent operation.

Reconciliation status

WEBPAY data reconciliation status with the data from ERIP reports. Possible values:

Not confirmed by the bank (ERIP) — confirmation of a successful transaction in the WEBPAY system has NOT been received from ERIP;

Successful reconciliation — confirmation of a successful transaction in the WEBPAY system has been received from ERIP;

Reconciliation error — confirmation of a successful transaction in the WEBPAY system has been received from ERIP, but there is a discrepancy in the payment parameters.

Payment time Date of the payment performed in the WEBPAY system.
Business account Value that identifies the consumer of a commodity or service.
ERIP request ID Single identifier for the requests sequence for ERIP payments.
ERIP transaction ID Operation account number in the ERIP central unit.
Number of service Service number of the Store.
Settlement agent code Three last numbers of the settlement agent`s sort code.
Cost of goods/services The total cost of all goods/services in the Store.
Shipping Shipping fee set by the Store.
Discount The amount of the discount set by the Shop.
Amount The amount of payment in the WEBPAY system including the cost of goods/services, delivery and discount amount.
Currency Payment currency in the WEBPAY system.
Authorization type

Payment method. Possible values:

MS — card with a magnet stripe.

BC — BELCARD card.

NONE — the payer is not identified.

CASH — payment in cash in the Cash Settlement Center.

CASHIN — payment in cash in the payment and inquiry terminal.

WEBPAY transaction ID ERIP identifier in the context of payment requests.
Message dispatcher code Regional node subscriber`s code.
Message number ERIP message number.
Message formation date ERIP message forming date.
Payment document number ERIP payment document number.
Funds transfer date Funds transfer date according to ERIP data.
Settlement agent`s business account Settlement agent`s business account from which was performed the settlement with service provider.
Transferred amount Amount transferred for the current payment according to the ERIP data.
Currency Currency of the current ERIP payment.
Transaction date Transaction date by the ERIP data.
Transaction number in the Account agent ERIP operation number in the Account agent.
Amount Authorization Tool Information about payment tool.

To see all AIS "Raschet" (ERIP) transactions you need to select the "ERIP" → "Transaction log" menu entity. As a result, you will see a report that in real time displays information about the stages of order payment and refund. Payment is performed in three stages:

  • Service Info,
  • Transaction Start,
  • Transaction Result.

Funds refund is performed in two stages:

  • Storn Start,
  • Storn Result.
Report fields description
Name Description
Request ID Single identifier for the requests sequence for ERIP payments.
Operation status

The result of operation. Possible values:

Successful operation — the WEBPAY system did confirm the operation success.

Execution error — the WEBPAY system did NOT confirm the operation success.

Duplicate operation — the WEBPAY system already contains this operation.

Operation Type

Type of operation in accordance with ERIP protocol:

SERVICE_INFO — receiving the order data.

TRANSACTION_START — start of the order payment.

TRANSACTION_RESULT — order payment result.

STORN_START— start of the refund request.

STORN_RESULT — refund request result.

Request date Date of forming the request to ERIP.
ERIP transaction ID Operation account number in the ERIP central unit.
WEBPAY transaction ID ERIP identifier in the context of payment requests.
WEBPAY business account Value that identifies the consumer of a commodity or service.
Number of service Service number of the Store.
Amount Payment amount in the WEBPAY system.
Currency Payment currency in the WEBPAY system.
Authorization type Type of funds authorization when order is paid.
Settlement agent Settlement agent`s code.

Accounting for transactions made through Internet-acquiring

Select the "Payments" → "Reconciliation report" menu entity. A report with the order payment results and information about the reconciliation of payment with the acquiring bank. Record in the report appears immediately after payment.

Report fields description
Name Description
Invoice status

The result of payment processing. Possible values:

Authorization — funds is blocked on the payer`s card.

Authorization reset — funds is unblocked on the payer`s card.

Partial authorization reset — part of the funds is unblocked on the payer`s card.

Completion — funds debited from the payer`s account.

Full refund — funds was written-off from the Store`s operation account and returned to the payer`s card.

Partial refund — part of the funds was written-off from the Store`s operation account and returned to the payer`s card.

Reconciliation status

WEBPAY data reconciliation status with the data from the bank reports. Possible values:

Not confirmed by the bank — confirmation of a successful transaction in the WEBPAY system has NOT been received from the bank.

Successful reconciliation — confirmation of a successful transaction in the WEBPAY system has been received from the bank.

Reconciliation error — confirmation of a successful transaction in the WEBPAY system has been received from the bank, but there is a discrepancy in the payment parameters.

Merchant ID Store`s ID in the WEBPAY system.
Merchant`s website Website connected to the WEBPAY system.
Merchant`s order number Unique order identifier specified by the Store.
WEBPAY order number Order number in the WEBPAY system.
Terminal number Terminal number set by the acquiring bank.
Processing Acquiring bank processing number.
Transaction amount The amount of the order in the Store excluding the discount amount and the delivery amount.
Discount amount The discount amount set by the Store.
Discount name Description of the discount specified by the Store.
Shipping cost The shipping cost set by the Store.
Shipping name Description of the delivery specified by the Store.
Date and time of the authorization The date of the payment in the WEBPAY system.
Authorization amount Payment amount in the WEBPAY system.
Currency of the operation The currency of the payment in the WEBPAY system.
Payment system The name of the payment system of the payer's bank payment card.
Card description Payer`s bank payment card level.
Acquiring bank processing RRN A unique transaction number assigned by the processing center.
Authorization code of the issuing bank The authorization code assigned by the issuing bank.
Date and time of financial completion The date of financial completion of the payment in the WEBPAY system.
The amount of financial completion The amount of financial completion of the payment in the WEBPAY system.
Date of registration of the payment in the bank The date of reflection of funds in the acquiring bank.
Amount of payment reimbursement The amount of payment in the WEBPAY system.
Commission amount Commission fee to the bank.
Currency of payment accounting at the bank The currency in which the funds are reflected in the bank.
Date and time of cancellation/return The date and time of cancellation/refund of the payment in the WEBPAY system.
Cancellation/Refund amount The amount of cancellation/refund of the payment in the WEBPAY system.
The date of registration of the refund in the bank The date when the refund is reflected in the acquiring bank.
Refund amount in the bank The amount of reflection of the refund in the acquiring bank.
Commission refund amount Commission fee to the bank for making a refund.
Merchant`s amount The amount of debit from the payer`s bank payment card, if the transaction currency in the Store differs from the currency on the payer`s bank payment card.
Merchant`s currency The currency of the debit from the payer`s bank payment card, if the transaction currency in the Store differs from the currency on the payer`s bank payment card.
Merchant`s currency exchange rate The conversion rate set by the payment system/acquiring bank, when debiting funds from the payer`s bank payment card, if the transaction currency in the Store differs from the currency on the payer`s bank payment card.
Payer`s address The address of the payer passed by the Store to the WEBPAY system.
Sender of funds Information about the payer passed by the Store to the WEBPAY system.
Contract number with the service customer/payer The number of the contract with the customer of the service/payer passed by the Store to the WEBPAY system.
Purpose of payment The purpose of the payment passed by the Store to the WEBPAY system.
Payer`s email The email address specified by the payer during the payment.
Recurring payment

The type of recurrent payment. Possible values:

Initiating — the binding of the payer's bank payment card was carried out.

Recurring — payment was made using the payer`s previously binded bank payment card.

Issuing bank The bank that issued the bank payment card of the payer.
Issuing bank country The country of the bank that issued the bank payment card of the payer.

Money withdrawal operation. Possible values:

Yes — the withdrawal operation has been performed.

No — the payer has paid for Store services/goods.

Card number 6x4 Masked number of the bank payment card of the payer.
Authorization Id The unique identifier of the authorization operation in the WEBPAY system.
Financial completion Id The unique identifier of the financial completion operation in the WEBPAY system.
Refund Id The unique identifier of the refund operation in the WEBPAY system.
Void Id The unique identifier of the void operation in the WEBPAY system.

If "Priorbank" JSC, "MTBank" CJSC, "Bank Dabrabyt" JSC are your acquiring bank, you can use the menu entity "Payments" → "Received funds" to see information about the reflection of funds in the acquiring bank. It will show the report which contains information about successful transactions reflected in the bank.

Report fields description
Name Description
Date of payment registration/refund at the bank Date of reflection of funds in the acquiring bank.
Amount to transfer Total amount (minus the commission) that will go to the Store`s operation account.
Transfer currency The currency in which funds are credited.
Merchant`s order number Unique order identifier specified by the Store.
Terminal number Terminal number set by the acquiring bank.
Merchant ID Store`s ID in the WEBPAY system.
Merchant`s website Website connected to the WEBPAY system.
Issuing bank The bank that issued the bank payment card of the payer.
WEBPAY order number Order number in the WEBPAY system.
Authorization code of the issuing bank Authorization code set by the issuing bank.
RRN Unique transaction ID set by the processing center.
Amount of reimbursement Payment amount in the WEBPAY system.
Reimbursement commission Commission fee to the bank.
Date and time of the authorization Date of payment in the WEBPAY system.
Refund amount The refund amount reflected in the acquiring bank.
Refund commission Commission fee to the bank for making a refund.
Payment system The name of the payment system of the payer's bank payment card.
Card description Payer`s bank payment card level.
Belonging to a bank

Indicates that the bank payment card of the payer belongs to the Banks of the Republic of Belarus. Possible values:

Us — belongs to the Bank of the Republic of Belarus.

Not Us — belongs to a foreign Bank.

Transaction amount The amount of the order in the Store excluding the discount amount and the delivery amount.
Discount amount The discount amount set by the Store.
Discount name Description of the discount specified by the Store.
Shipping cost The shipping cost set by the Store.
Shipping name Description of the delivery specified by the Store.
Sender of funds Information about the payer passed by the Store to the WEBPAY system.
Contract number with the service customer/payer The number of the contract with the customer of the service/payer passed by the Store to the WEBPAY system.
Purpose of payment The purpose of the payment passed by the Store to the WEBPAY system.
Card type The type of the payer`s bank payment card (DEBIT, CREDIT, CHARGE CARD).
Payer`s email The email address specified by the payer during the payment.
Recurring payment

The type of recurrent payment. Possible values:

Initiating — the binding of the payer's bank payment card was carried out.

Recurring — payment was made using the payer`s previously binded bank payment card.

Issuing bank The bank that issued the bank payment card of the payer.
Issuing bank country The country of the bank that issued the bank payment card of the payer.

Money withdrawal operation. Possible values:

Yes — the withdrawal operation has been performed.

No — the payer has paid for Store services/goods.

Authorization Id The unique identifier of the authorization operation in the WEBPAY system.
Financial completion Id The unique identifier of the financial completion operation in the WEBPAY system.
Refund Id The unique identifier of the refund operation in the WEBPAY system.
Void Id The unique identifier of the void operation in the WEBPAY system.

Advanced payment page settings


To brand a payment page contact your manager

Possibility of extended payment page settings:

  • company logo placement,
  • using brand color in buttons and lines,
  • page font choosing,
  • the card background changing (color or image),
  • the page background changing (color or image),
  • the payment button text changing,
  • typing additional text on the page.
Opportunities for changes to the payment page

9.1. Logo

The logo must be in png format. The maximum image height is 100px (pixels) and the size is no more than 500 KB. We recommend using a transparent background.

9.2. Brand colors

Color is transmitted in hexadecimal code — Hex Code (the color value is presented as "#XYXYXY"). This color will display:

  • payment button,
  • card background,
  • lower bounds of data entry fields,
  • the inscriptions "Payment by card", "Payment by ERIP", "EN", "RU".

9.3. Page font

You can choose from five available fonts:

  • Montserrat,
  • Roboto,
  • Segoe UI,
  • ProximaNova,
  • Helvetica.

9.4. Card background

You can use either a color or an image as a card background. Color is transmitted in hexadecimal code — Hex Code (the color value is presented as "#XYXYXY"). ! The background card color is the brand color. The image must be in png format. The maximum image height is 285px (pixels), the maximum width is 430px (pixels), and the file size is not more than 500 KB. A transparent background is recommended.

9.5. Page Background

You can use either a color or an image as a card background. Color is transmitted in hexadecimal code — Hex Code (the color value is presented as "#XYXYXY"). The image must be in png format. The maximum file size is not more than 1 MB. The image is scaled keeping the proportions to fit entirely inside the page.

9.6. Change the payment button text

9.7. Typing additional text on the page

Invoice Statuses & Types

Invoice statuses

You can review the invoice status by selecting the "Invoices" entity in the menu. All invoices in the WEBPAY system are divided into the following groups:

Pending — the invoice receives this status straight after its forming and sending a notification to the payer`s email. You can see invoice amount in the "Invoice total" field.


Authorized — the invoice receives this status straight after successful authorization. In other words, when money is already blocked on the buyer`s card, but still not debited. The transaction gets the "Authorized" status.


Paid — the invoice receives this status straight after successful payment. In other words, when money is debited from the buyer`s card. Amount paid by the payer will be displayed in the "Amount paid" field. The transaction gets the "Completed" status.


Not paid — a payment was not made during the specified period of time. In order to prolong the payment period you should click the "Edit invoice" button.

Not paid

Voided — the payment was reset after authorization, i.e. money on the buyer`s card account was unblocked. The transaction gets the "Voided" status.


Partial refunded — a partial refund to the buyer`s card account was initiated. The amount in the "Amount paid" field is equal to the difference between the order and returned amount. The transaction gets the "Refunded" status.

Partial refunded

Refunded — full refund to the buyer`s card account was initiated. The amount in the "Amount paid" field is equal to zero. The transaction gets the "Refunded" status.


Recurrent — a recurring (CoF) payment. This is a payment made with a bound card without payer involvement.



Please note, when you perform payment through AIS "Raschet" (ERIP), the invoices will be getting only the "Pending", "Paid" and "Not paid" statuses.

Types of operations in the WEBPAY system

In event of any claims regarding the quality of provided commodities/services, the buyer has the right to apply to online store with a request to cancel the payment.

To return the written off funds the payer must contact the seller (online store or online resource).

According to the rules of international payment systems, a refund can only be made on the bank card from which the payment was accomplished. It is recommended to keep a copy of the payment notice received by email when making a payment.


Please, note that refund/exchange in the WEBPAY system can only be accomplished for payments made through Internet-acquiring. Payments made through AIS "Raschet" (ERIP) cannot be refunded/exchanged.

Authorization confirmation and cancellation

At the payment time required amount is blocked on the payer`s card, which becomes unavailable for use. "Authorized"payment in the WEBPAY system receives the correspond status.

The real debit of funds from the payer`s card occurs after the financial confirmation of the payment. After the financial confirmation has been completed, funds from the customer`s card are credited to your company`s operating account in accordance with the terms established by the Internet-acquiring agreement.

Financial confirmation can be performed automatically or manually. Automatic confirmation is performed after 24 hours since the authorization. Based on your wish, we may set the financial confirmation time from 1 second to 72 hours.

A payment for which the financial confirmation has been completed is marked in the WEBPAY system as "Completed".

There are two payment processing types in WEBPAY system:

  1. One-stage payments — payments that are instantly financially completed (Completed transaction type), so funds are instantly charged from payer`s card. The main advantage of this payment type is that funds are transferred to company`s bank account in a period specified by acquiring bank. On the other hand, refund to your customers may take up to 30 days depending on issuing bank.
  2. Two-stage payments — payments that lead to freezing of funds on the payer`s card at first (Authorized transaction type), and only after that in specified period of time they become financially completed (Completed transaction type). The main advantage of this payment type is that company has additional time to check goods or services availability. In case of order`s cancellation all funds will be instantly unfrozen. On the other hand, there is a delay before funds reach company`s bank account equal to authorization period combined with transfer period specified by acquiring bank.
The list of successful transactions

Authorized payments in the WEBPAY system can be financially completed or cancelled.

The payment cancellation procedure includes the following stages:

  • go to "Payments" section;
  • select the required payment to open it and then click the "Void" button — it will cancel the authorization of the transaction.

After pressing the "Void" button, the payment will be rejected, the entire paid amount will be unlocked on the payer`s bank card, and will become available for use. The transaction will receive the "Voided" status.

Make void of authorization

If you press the "Complete" button, the authorization for bank card will be confirmed, transaction will complete, the funds will debit from the payer`s card, and the transaction will acquire the "Completed" status.

Financial completion of authorization

Full and partial refund

If the payment has already been completed, in other words, the transaction received the "Completed"status, you cannot void the payment. In such case you will have to make a "Refund" or "Partial refund" to get your money back.

The refund procedure includes the following stages:

  • go to "Payments" section;
  • select the required payment to open it;
  • click the "Refund" button;
  • in the amount field on the opened page select full or partial refund. If you want a partial refund, enter the amount which will be refunded to the payer`s card he used to pay for purchase;
  • click the "Refund" button.

After that the funds will be returned to the payer`s card. The transfer usually performs during a week for a Belarus banks cards. For a foreign banks cards the procedure can take up to a month. This parameter largely depends on the bank that issued the card. After a successful refund, the transaction acquires the "Refunded" status.

Make refund of the transaction

Transaction limits for virtual payment terminals

To ensure security and reduce the risks of fraudulent transactions, acquiring banks set individual transaction limits for each merchant's payment terminal, both in terms of the number of transactions and total amounts for a certain period of time.

After the Internet acquiring is connected, the acquiring bank transfers the necessary limits to WEBPAY. WEBPAY sets them in the system when creating and setting up a personal account for the merchant.

In the process of work there may be situations when the merchant needs to change the limits. In this case, the new limits are agreed with the acquiring bank and changed in the WEBPAY system.

After changing the limits, a notification is sent to the email specified in the Company Profile with the following information:

  • Name of the changed limit and its value
  • Name of the organization
  • Billing ID
  • Website URL

Introduction to Sandbox development environment

WEBPAY Sandbox is the substantive web application, which serves as prototype of real system and meant for testing and familiarizing with capabilities of real WEBPAY environment. There is no difference in capabilities between Sandbox and real system apart from cards processing meaning there will be no real transactions. Development and testing of payment modules should be always done in test environment.

Test environment parameters

Name Description
Test environment URL:
Login: sent via email
Password: sent via email
Unique store ID (wsb_storeid): sent via email

The following card parameters can be used to perform testing transactions (for test environment only):

type: VISA

number: 434179xxxxxx0051 (this field is not editable by default)

CVV/CVC2: any three numbers

expiration date: any. To manually get a transaction error fill in December of the next year. For example, if the current year is 2019, then fill in 12/20.

Transition from test into real environment

Please note that a bunch of requirements must be met in order to move from test environment into a real one.

Change of payment page address

To perform real payments you must create a form with special fields and redirect customer to payment page by POST method.

Payment pages URLs:


In real environment requests to must be performed from domain name stated in the Internet-acquiring contract. Furthermore, sub-domains are treated as separate domains in accordance with payment systems rules. So if in your contract you specified, than redirection to your payment page is also should be happening from In case of redirection from transaction will be blocked. Referer URL is regularly checked in accordance with payment systems and acquiring banks. If you are going to use an URL different from the one specified in the contract please contact your personal WEBPAY manager.

Web application interface URL is also changing:

Change of store ID

Store ID value in WEBPAY system is stored in wsb_storeid field. This parameter is created when registering and is sent in email by your personal WEBPAY manager. You must change its value to the one from real environment.

Change of test payment flag

When executing payments in a test environment value of field wsb_test equal to 1 was used to mark payment for an order should not be executed for real but emulated. To execute payments in real environment you must set 0.

Payments integration

Development of a payment module is performed on the client`s server side and anticipates creation of scripts or alterations to the source code of a refined web application.

Card payments

Methods of order formation

The WEBPAY system provides two ways of forming payment orders:

  1. JSON API.
  2. Creation of HTML page with a common HTML form.

Principle of formation of an order and payment for it

  1. Formation of an order by creating a request using the JSON API or by creating an HTML page with a common HTML form. Fields required to perform payments should be filled (Payment form fields).
  2. Switching over to the payment page of the WEBPAY system ( to fill in card details (switchover is performed by POST method).
  3. Input of card details.
  4. Payment for an order.
  5. Return to payment module HTML page (the WEBPAY system will send a notification (Payment notification).
  6. Payment parameters verification.
  7. Rendering of service (delivery of goods).

Formation of an order for payment

To pay for an order you should create a JSON API request or a HTML form with specific fields (fields values and descriptions are presented in the Payment form fields and redirect a customer to a payment page by POST method. Specify for testing or for real transactions.

Payment form fields


All text fields must be filled with text in UTF-8.

Main payment form fields

Name Required field Field description Notes
*scart yes Field does not contain value and designates the type of the request.
wsb_storeid yes Store ID in WEBPAY system. This ID is created during registration in the system and is sent in the email.
wsb_store no Store name that will be shown on the payment form. By default, it is taken from the billing account settings. Maximum field length of 64 symbols.
wsb_order_num yes Unique order ID given by the store. Maximum field length of 64 symbols. The value can not begin with 0 (zero) when paying via ERIP.
wsb_currency_id yes Currency ID. Three-letter code in accordance with ISO4271 standard. Accepted values: BYN, USD, EUR, RUB
wsb_version yes Payment form version. Current version number: 2
wsb_language_id no Payment form language ID. Accepted values: russian, english. When empty the value is determined by browser settings.
wsb_seed yes Random symbol sequence used in electronic signature the order. See: Electronic signature of an order.
wsb_signature yes Control value (electronic signature) of the order is a result of SHA1 function execution (for version 2, see wsb_version field) or MD5, if there is no protocol version specified. This value is a hex sequence. See: Electronic signature of an order.
wsb_return_url no

The URL the customer is redirected to if the payment is successful by clicking on the button on the payment result page.

In case you need to set an automatic redirect to the URL, you can contact WEBPAY support at

Order ID (wsb_order_num) and transaction numbers (wsb_tid) are added to present URL in WEBPAY system.
wsb_cancel_return_url no URL a customer is redirected to if the payment was not successful. Values of order ID (wsb_order_num) are added to present URL.
wsb_notify_url no

This URL is called independently from the URL specified in wsb_return_url field. The main purpose of this URL is to notify website about successful payment in case user did not click the "Back to the site" button on the payment form. By default, it is taken from the billing account settings.

Warning! Sending notifications is only possible to standard ports: 80 (http), 443 (https), 8080 (http_alt), 8443(pcsync-https).

See: Payment notification.
wsb_test yes

Field that designates whether the payment is real or not.

1 — test payment;

0 — real payment.

In Sandbox test environment the value should be 1.
wsb_3ds_payment_option no

Allows you to forcibly change the need for the payer to pass 3D-Secure. 3D-Secure management is not available for stores that operate through the acquiring bank Priorbank OJSC.

To enable the ability to work with this functionality, you need to contact the personal manager of WEBPAY.

Possible values:

auto — the 3D-Secure process is performed by default;

force_3ds — forced payment using 3D-Secure. If the card does not support 3D-Secure, the transaction will not pass;

force_3ds_only_auth_yes — after authentication using 3D-Secure, the status should be only Y, which guarantees successful authentication of the user, otherwise the transaction will not pass;

without_3ds — forcibly disabling 3D-Secure.

wsb_customer_name no Customer name. Maximum field length of 255 symbols.
wsb_customer_address no Customer address. Maximum field length of 255 symbols.
wsb_service_date no Effective dates of rendering of services or delivery of goods. Maximum field length of 255 symbols.
wsb_show_wt no Payment session token. Used to restore the payment session in case the script was interrupted.

Possible values:

1 — enable token transfer of the payment session;

0 — disable token transfer of the payment session.

The rule for forming the link by which the payer should be directed: https://URL_адрес_платежной_страницы/{wsb_show_wt}

Fields for formation of shopping cart

Name Required field Field description Notes
wsb_invoice_item_name[{n}] yes Item name. Index {n} should start with 0 and increase by 1 for each next position.
wsb_invoice_item_quantity[{n}] yes Integer that designates the amount of each item. Index {n} should start with 0 and increase by 1 for each next position.
wsb_invoice_item_price[{n}] yes Price for an item. Number stands for a price of one item (BYN, USD, EUR, RUB with two characters after dot or comma). Index {n} should start with 0 and increase by 1 for each next position.
wsb_tax no Tax amount in BYN which is added to the final price of the order. When paying via ERIP this field does not count (tax amount is added to the price of goods).
wsb_shipping_name no Delivery method. Maximum field length of 255 symbols.
wsb_shipping_price no Shipping price which is added to the final price of the order.
wsb_discount_name no Discount description. Maximum field length of 255 symbols.
wsb_discount_price no Discount amount which is deducted from the final price of the order. Value should be a positive number (without "-" minus).
wsb_discount_promo_code no Contains the value of the discount promo code for the order when working with the VISA and MASTERCARD discount programs. Maximum field length of 32 symbols.
wsb_total yes

This field is calculated. The value of this field is the final price of the order which is calculated by the following formula:

wsb_total = wsb_invoice_item_quantity[0] * wsb_invoice_item_price[0] + wsb_invoice_item_quantity[1] * wsb_invoice_item_price[1] +


wsb_invoice_item_quantity[n] * wsb_invoice_item_price[n] + wsb_tax + wsb_shipping_price - wsb_discount_price.

Payment will not be performed if wsb_total and calculated value of goods are not equal. An error will be shown to a customer.

Additional fields

Name Required field Field description Notes
wsb_order_tag no Order tag is used to categorize orders, group orders or for other reasons. Maximum field length of 64 symbols.
wsb_email no Customer`s email address. Value of this field will be automatically put into appropriate field of the payment form.
wsb_phone no The customer`s phone number.
wsb_order_contract no Number of contract with the customer.
wsb_tab no Determining the active tab with the appropriate payment tool (card payment/ERIP). Possible values: erip, cardPayment. If there is no field the order of tabs is standard — payment by card, then ERIP.
wsb_card_number_short no

Determination of the possibility of making a payment for the card specified by the payer.

The WEBPAY system makes a comparison of the card number data (the first 6 and the last 4 digits) between the transmitted card number in this field and what the payer entered when paying.

If the first 6 and last 4 digits of the card number match, the payment is allowed, otherwise the payment attempt is rejected and an error is displayed to the payer.

The value is an integer that consists of the first 6 and last 4 digits of the card number. For example: 1234561234.
wsb_card_halva no

Determination of the affiliation of the payer`s card to the Halva installment card of MTBank CJSC and the possibility of making payment with this card.

This field does not affect the payment with cards other than Halva installment cards of MTBank CJSC.

Possible values:

1 — allow to pay by installments card "Halva" CJSC "MTBank";

0 — refuse to make payment by installment card "Halva" CJSC "MTBank".

Code example

<form action="" method="post">
  <input type="hidden" name="*scart">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_version" value="2">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_language_id" value="russian">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_storeid" value="11111111">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_store" value="The name of your Store">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_order_num" value="ORDER-12345678">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_test" value="1">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_currency_id" value="BYN">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_seed" value="1242649174">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_customer_name" value="Ivanov Ivan">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_customer_address" value="Minsk Shafarnyanskaya str. 11-54">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_service_date" value="Delivery till 1 january 2016 year">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_return_url" value="">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_cancel_return_url" value="">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_notify_url" value="">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_email" value="">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_phone" value="375291234567">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_invoice_item_name[0]" value="Goods 1">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_invoice_item_quantity[0]" value="2">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_invoice_item_price[0]" value="10">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_invoice_item_name[1]" value="Goods 2">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_invoice_item_quantity[1]" value="1">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_invoice_item_price[1]" value="0.5">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_total" value="31.40">
  <!-- In the example SecretKey equal 1 -->
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_signature" value="266e9c04a24dfb5fc75775c42a831a49488f8303">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_tax" value="10.50">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_shipping_name" value="Shipping costs">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_shipping_price" value="0.98">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_discount_name" value="Discount">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_discount_price" value="0.58">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_order_contract" value="Contract №152/12-1 12.01.19">
  <input type="submit" value="Buy">

Parameters for regulating the payment session

There is a mechanism for regulating the time set for payment by the Internet resource. You can pass a parameter in the authorization request that will indicate the time from which the payment interval is calculated (by default, 20 minutes). You can pass the wsb_startsessdatetime parameter with a DateTime value (for example, 2013-03-19T17:34: 28+03: 00) or the wsb_startsesstimeparameter, which contains a value in the UnixTimestamp format (for example, 1396536107) in the authorization request. When passing two parameters, the priority is considered to be wsb_startsessdatetime.

For example, the transaction starts at 22.10.2020 16:33:01, the Internet resource wants the payment session to be valid for 7 minutes, so in the POST request you should pass the time 22.10.2020 16:20:01

Code example

<input type="hidden" name="wsb_startsesstime" value="1603383601">
<input type="hidden" name="wsb_startsessdatetime" value="2020-10-22T16:20:01+03:00">

Electronic signature of an order

Electronic signature is formed to prevent changes in a payment form and must be present in every order from. Any orders without electronic signature will not be processed by WEBPAY system.

To form an electronic signature you should set a value for "Secret key" field in your billing account settings (Secret key installation).

In every order form you should fill the following fields:

wsb_seed — random symbol sequence (you may use current time, e.g. Unix Timestamp);

wsb_signature — electronic signature itself. It must be formed according to the rules from the following fields:

  • wsb_seed
  • wsb_storeid
  • wsb_order_num
  • wsb_test
  • wsb_currency_id
  • wsb_total
  • SecretKey

All fields must be combined in a single string. The order of combination must be preserved.

Depending on the protocol version (wsb_version) MD5 (if version is not specified) or SHA1 (for version 2) of combined string is calculated.

Code example

$wsb_seed = 1242649174;
$wsb_storeid = 11111111;
$wsb_order_num = "ORDER-12345678";
$wsb_test = 1;
$wsb_currency_id = "BYN";
$wsb_total = 21.90;
$SecretKey = "12345678901234567890";
// Value of the merged string:
// 124264917411111111ORDER-123456781BYN21.9012345678901234567890
// for protocol version 2 (wsb_version = 2)
$wsb_signature = sha1($wsb_seed.$wsb_storeid.$wsb_order_num.$wsb_test.$wsb_currency_id.$wsb_total.$SecretKey);
// 338d1647833079f9353907ad266ec0bb5264c0d9
// if version is not specified
$wsb_signature = md5($wsb_seed.$wsb_storeid.$wsb_order_num.$wsb_test.$wsb_currency_id.$wsb_total.$SecretKey);
// 5b712daa1743d1a62dfdb7054b3978a1

Payment for an order

After order fields formation and start of payment execution a customer must be redirected to the payment page of WEBPAY system (test or real) where he will be granted with ability to fill card details.

After successful payment customer should click the "Back to the site" button. In this case payment form will redirect him to URL specified in wsb_return_url field.

If some error occurs or customer clicks the "Back" button, he will be redirected to URL specified in wsb_cancel_return_url field. In each case there will be wsb_order_num values added to URL. If payment was successful there will be also transaction number value added to WEBPAY system.


It is possible that customer will not click the "Back" button on a payment form. In order to inform about successful operation WEBPAY system after some time sends special notification (Payment notification).

Order payment

Displaying the payment result on the Internet resource side

This functionality allows the Internet resource to display the result of the payment on its side. Immediately after the payment is made, the payer will be redirected to the URL specified by the Internet resource without displaying the payment result on the WEBPAY payment page.


To activate this functionality you need to send a request to WEBPAY support service at, specifying wsb_storeid (Billing Id) from which requests will be made.

In order for WEBPAY system to redirect the payer to the page of the Internet resource, you should add the following fields to the request to form an order for payment (HTML-form or JSON API):

  1. wsb_redirect - takes value 1.
  2. wsb_return_format - takes value json.

After the payer has paid for the order, WEBPAY system will redirect him to the URL specified by the Internet resource in the field wsb_return_url — in case of successful payment or wsb_cancel_return_url — in case of unsuccessful payment. WEBPAY system will also send the following parameters with the result of payment to the Internet resource in JSON format:

Name Description
orderNumber Unique order ID given by the store
invoiceNumber Unique order number in the WEBPAY system
rrn Transaction number in VISA/MASTERCARD/BELCARD system
trimPan The number of the payer`s bank payment card in the format 123456xxxxxx7890, from which the payment was made
responseCode WEBPAY operation result internal code
responseText Text message about the result of the operation

Response example

  "responseText":"Недостаточно средств"

Payment notification

In case of successful payment when redirecting back to a website page (wsb_return_url value is used) the system sends a number of an order (wsb_order_num value) and transaction number (wsb_tid value) in GET request parameters.

Furthermore, the system will also notify a website about completed operation using wsb_notify_url URL (if specified in form field) or to "Notification URL", which can be set in the billing account settings "Settings" → "Company".

Notifications from the WEBPAY system are sent from the address:

Set Notification URL

If an URL for notifications was specified in both form field (wsb_notify_url) and the billing account settings, than an address from wsb_notify_url will be used.

In case of notification website should answer with code 200 ("HTTP/1.0 200 OK"). In 30 days, if a website could not receive notification, the system will stop sending request.

It should be considered during development that notification about payment (wsb_notify_url) can be received as well as customer may return to a website page specified in (wsb_return_url) field.


Please note that the time of the payment session is 20 minutes and the payer can make a payment during this time, in this regard, the notification does not come immediately after sending an authorization request for payment to the WEBPAY system.

The notification is sent only after the WEBPAY system receives the payment result. By default, the notification is sent only for successful operations. If you need to receive notifications and for unsuccessful payments, we recommend contacting WEBPAY technical support.

If within 20 minutes after the authorization request was sent by the Internet resource, the payer was not redirected to the addresses wsb_return_url or wsb_cancel_return_url and/or the notification was not received by the Internet resource, we recommend to use the GetTransactionStatus API method to manage card transactions or contact the WEBPAY support service at to clarify the status of the transaction.

Successful payment notification

There are two ways of receiving notifications about payments:

  1. Standard POST request sent from WEBPAY to wsb_notify_url (used by default).
  2. SOAP tool (may be enabled by request).

Standard POST request sent from WEBPAY to wsb_notify_url

After an successful payment WEBPAY system sends specifically formed POST request to URL specified in wsb_notify_url field. There is information about payment in that request. Website should check this information in accordance with order execution requirements and answer with code 200 ("HTTP/1.0 200 OK").

Request fields:

Name Description
batch_timestamp Transaction execution time
currency_id Transaction currency
amount Transaction amount
payment_method Transaction methods. Possible values:
  • test — without real processing,
  • cc — card,
  • erip — ERIP
  • apple — Apple Pay payment
order_id Order number in the WEBPAY system
site_order_id Order number (name) set by store
transaction_id Transaction number
payment_type Transaction type. Successful payments are equal to 1 or 4
rrn Transaction number in VISA/MASTERCARD/BELCARD system
wsb_signature Electronic signature (calculated if "Secret key" is set in the billing account options)
action Payment processing code
rc WEBPAY operation result internal code
approval Processing operation code
country_alpha_three_code Country code of the issuing bank in ISO 3166-1 alpha-3. To include this field in the notifier, you must contact the

The number of the payer`s bank payment card in the format 123456xxxxxx7890, from which the payment was made.

The field is included in the notificator when using scenarios when a card is required in the response, for example, when working with recurring payments, PCI DSS merchants, etc.

If standard integration is used, but for some reason you need to get card number, you need to contact to include this field in notificator


Possible values from 1 to 65535.

An identifier for determining which card or group of cards the payer paid from. It is suitable for holding promotions when paying with certain cards, for example, issued by a certain issuing bank.

If you need to enable this functionality, please contact technical support at

wsb_signature is a hex sequence and is a result of MD5 function execution. Text sequence created from combination of the following fields is used as an argument of that function:

  • batch_timestamp
  • currency_id
  • amount
  • payment_method
  • order_id
  • site_order_id
  • transaction_id
  • payment_type
  • rrn
  • card — added to the signature, depending on the selected scenario
  • SecretKey

In case of necessity you can manually send subsequent notification. To do that go to "Payments" in the billing account setting, find transaction of interest and click the "Send notification" button.

Code example



SOAP tool

For SOAP tool (may be enabled by request) the WEBPAY system sends specially formed SOAP request with the Content-Type: text/xml header to URL specified in wsb_notify_url field. Notification structure is described in xsd scheme:

WsbSignature is a hex-sequence and is a result of MD5 function execution. Text sequence created from combination of the following fields is used as an argument of that function:

  • batch_timestamp
  • currency_id
  • amount
  • payment_method
  • order_id
  • site_order_id
  • transaction_id
  • payment_type
  • rrn
  • card
  • SecretKey

Combination order must be preserved.


SecretKey field is only considered in a real environment.

Code example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema elementFormDefault="qualified"
  <xs:element name="NotifierRequest">
        <xs:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="BatchTimestamp" type="xs:int"/>
        <xs:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="CurrencyId" type="xs:string"/>
        <xs:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="Amount" type="xs:decimal"/>
        <xs:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="PaymentMethod" type="xs:string"/>
        <xs:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="OrderId" type="xs:string"/>
        <xs:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="SiteOrderId" type="xs:string"/>
        <xs:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="TransactionId" type="xs:string"/>
        <xs:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="PaymentType" type="xs:string"/>
        <xs:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="RRN" type="xs:string"/>
        <xs:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="WsbSignature" type="xs:string"/>
        <xs:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="Action" type="xs:string"/>
        <xs:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="RC" type="xs:string"/>
        <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Card" type="xs:string"/>
        <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="CountryAlphaThreeCode" type="xs:string"/>

Example of a request in accordance with the scheme

Code example

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
      <ns2:NotifierRequest xmlns:ns2="">

The Internet resource must check the received information in accordance with the requirements of the order execution and respond to the request with the code 200.

Code example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema elementFormDefault="qualified"
  <xs:element name="NotifierResponse">
        <xs:element name="code" type="xs:string"/>
        <xs:element name="codeDescription" type="xs:string"/>

Answer the code field`s value should be equal to 200 if notification was processed. If it is not equal to 200 than there will be recurrent notification sending. codeDescription value may be spontaneous.

In case of necessity you can manually send subsequent notification. To do that go to "Payments" in the billing account setting, find transaction of interest and click the "Send notification" button.

Code example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
    <ns2:NotifierResponse xmlns:ns2="">

Payment verification

Before shipping goods (rendering a service) website must verify customer`s payment.

In order to verify a payment API billing command "get_transaction" (only for Internet acquiring) should be executed when returning to a website page specified in wsb_return_url field.

There is an example of code for API command execution below. It is crucial to consider that request must be sent to for test environment and to for real one.

Request example

<!-- API Request -->
$postdata = '*API=&API_XML_REQUEST='.urlencode('
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
      <!-- Method name -->
        <!-- Login from the WEBPAY personal account -->
        <!-- Password from the WEBPAY personal account, encrypted in MD5 -->
        <!-- ID of the transaction that is being verified.
          The value comes in the notifier -->

$curl = curl_init ("");
curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postdata);
curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
$response = curl_exec ($curl); curl_close ($curl);
echo $response;

The request results in an XML document containing the following fields:

Name Description
transaction_id Transaction number
batch_timestamp Transaction execution time
currency_id Transaction currency
amount Transaction amount
payment_method Transaction methods. Possible values:
  • test — without real processing
  • cc — card
  • apple — Apple Pay payment
payment_type Transaction type. Successful payments are equal to 1 or 4
order_id Order number in WEBPAY system
rrn Transaction number in VISA/MASTERCARD/BELCARD system
wsb_signature Electronic signature (calculated if "Secret key" is set in the billing account options)

wsb_signature is a hex sequence and is a result of MD5 function execution. Text sequence created combination of the following fields is used as an argument of that function:

  • transaction_id
  • batch_timestamp
  • currency_id
  • amount
  • payment_method
  • payment_type
  • order_id
  • rrn
  • SecretKey

Combination order must be preserved.


If for any reason no response is received from the WEBPAY system we recommend to repeat the request with an increasing frequency of up to 1 hour. If the WEBPAY system has not returned a response, then mark such operations and send them to

Transaction types

There are following transaction groups by transaction type (поле payment_type field):

Type Value Description
1 Completed Completed
2 Declined Declined
3 Pending Pending
4 Authorized Authorized
5 Partial Refunded Partial Refunded
6 System System
7 Voided Void after authorization
8 Failed Error during operation execution
9 Partial Voided Partial Void
10 Recurrent Recurring payment (CoF)
11 Refunded Refunded


You should pay attention to transaction type while writing code of an inquiry. Such notification type is meant to notify website about successfully competed transactions and refunded transactions.

These are types for successful payments:

Type Value Description
1 Completed Completed
4 Authorized Authorized
10 Recurrent Recurring payment (CoF)

And these are types for refunded payments:

Type Value Description
5 Partial Refunded Частично возвращенная
7 Voided Сброшенная после авторизации
9 Partial Voided Частичный сброс
11 Refunded Возвращенная

You should also pay attention that there are different minimum and maximum transaction amounts for test and real environments. Minimal amount is 0.1 BYN and maximum is 10000 BYN for test environment, while limits for real environment depend on terms of contract with acquiring bank.

Simplified payment

Description of the work process

Simplified payment is a method of payment with bank card without need for input of all card details to fill in customer`s information when paying to the same service/goods provider. Complete card details are only required for the first time to initiate service binding to that card. In order to make simplified payments possible you should contact WEBPAY technical support and make some adjustments to interaction scenario between service provider and WEBPAY program complex. This option will make payments more convenient for customers which will increase appeal of a website.

Here by customer stands for a cardholder that passed authorization on a seller`s website. Authorization is crucial here because it allows to associate that person with some unique number.

Card binding is performed on WEBPAY program complex side. Customer data (card number mask, cardholder`s name, expiration date, email and phone number) are stored in relation to customer`s number. New card can be bound by customer in one click after first successful payment to a service provider.

Initiating payment in the Simplified payment scenario

Activated "Simplified payment" feature will help to avoid needless input of information. Customer can just choose a card from a list only need to enter CVV/CVC.

Repeat payment in the Simplified payment scenario


Customers are still able to choose standard payment scheme. They just only need not to choose a card from the list of bound ones. Even if customer has one (or a few) bound card he can pay without usage of advantages of simplified payments.

Payments execution

In order to implement "Simplified payments" service provider just needs to make minimal adjustments to JSON API request or to HTML form of order Formation of an order for payment. Please note that payments in test environment are always executed with one automatically chosen card. In order to be able to add various cards and bind them you have to set wsb_test parameter to 0.

One new field is also added — wsb_customer_id — contains unique number of registered on the service provider`s side customer (with maximum field length of 64 symbols).

This parameter must participate in order`s electronic signature formation. This way order`s signature calculation algorithm is changed and wsb_signature electronic signature must be formed according to the rules from the following fields:

  • wsb_seed
  • wsb_storeid
  • wsb_customer_id
  • wsb_order_num
  • wsb_test
  • wsb_currency_id
  • wsb_total
  • SecretKey

All fields must be combined in a single string. The order of combination must be preserved. Depending on the protocol version (wsb_version) MD5 (if version is not specified) or SHA1 (for version 2) of combined string is calculated.

Code example

<form action="" method="post">
  <input type="hidden" name="*scart">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_version" value="2">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_language_id" value="russian">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_storeid" value="11111111">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_store" value="The name of your Store">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_order_num" value="ORDER-12345678">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_test" value="0">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_currency_id" value="BYN">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_seed" value="1242649174">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_return_url" value="">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_cancel_return_url" value="">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_notify_url" value="">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_invoice_item_name[0]" value="Goods 1">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_invoice_item_quantity[0]" value="2">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_invoice_item_price[0]" value="10">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_invoice_item_name[1]" value="Goods 2">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_invoice_item_quantity[1]" value="1">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_invoice_item_price[1]" value="0.5">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_total" value="20.90">
  <!-- In the example SecretKey equal 1 -->
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_signature" value="7bba5020b4033e9086e5f4240a24163dc0d4562b">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_shipping_name" value="Shipping costs">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_shipping_price" value="0.98">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_discount_name" value="Discount">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_discount_price" value="0.58">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_customer_id" value="1234567">
  <input type="submit" value="Buy">


  1. If you did not make changes to interaction protocol with WEBPAY program complex, all payments will be executed by default.
  2. In order to be able to add various cards and bind them you need to set wsb_test parameter to 0.
  3. You can use any numbers with 16 characters for VISA or MASTERCARD cards. You can generate such numbers with some help from

Recurring payment


There are two ways in the WEBPAY system to make a payment without participation of the Cardholder:

  1. Recurring payments — these are payments with a certain frequency made at the Store request without participation of the Cardholder: whether at certain events or on a regular basis. A specially formed request that is sent to the resource of payment service acts as a requirement of the Store.
  2. Credential on File (CoF) — these are payments made on a bound card, in which the frequency of debits is not observed. The initiator of such charges may be:
    • Store,
    • Cardholder.

Before processing recurring (CoF) payments it is essential to make an initiating payment serving as a contract with participation of the Cardholder, and input all data of the card in accordance with the standard scenario. Further processing of recurring (CoF) payments occurs without participation of the Cardholder or transmitting CVV/CVC. The initiating payment supports 3D-Secure (3DS). Recurrent (CoF) payments do not have the ability to provide support for 3DS.

The amount of recurring (CoF) payment may be non-equal to the initiating payment amount. The transaction type settings are made on the WEBPAY side depending on business process of the Store.

Recurring (Credential on File) payments usage scenario

Cardholder performs a transition from the Store`s website via POST request to the payment provider`s resource. After that the Cardholder is offered to enter his bank card details and additional parameters. And next he performs the standard payment scenario as well as, if necessary, passing 3DS.

In case of successful payment completion the service binds the card to the Store`s Cardholder identified by the described below method.

After the payment is complete it is possible to move to the Store`s resource — to one of the URLs specified by the Store (in case of successful (parameter wsb_return_url) or unsuccessful (parameter wsb_cancel_return_url) payment completion). Additional notification is sent to one more URL (parameter wsb_notify_url). Notification with a message about result of initiating payment contains the user ID, the masked card number and expiration date for the subscription on the recurring (CoF) payments mechanism.

With a successful initiating payment the Store can perform recurring (CoF) payments.

Cardholder ID, card binding options

Cardholder must be registered on the Store website. The Store assigns him an unique identifier that is transmitted in payment requests as a parameter wsb_сustomer_id. This ID for the current Store (wsb_storeid) will be bound to the card.

Fields of the payment form for recurrent payments

The WEBPAY system provides two ways of forming payment orders:

  1. JSON API.
  2. Creation of HTML page with a common HTML form.

When working with an HTML form, a description of the main fields for making a POST request, see the section Payment form fields.

To specify the use of recurrent (CoF) payments in the authorization request, you must additionally use the following fields.


All text fields must use UTF-8 charset.

Name Required field Field description Notes
wsb_customer_id yes Unique user ID in the Store. Maximum field length of 64 symbols.
wsb_operation_type yes Action ID for recurring payments. Possible values:
  • recurring_bind — bind the card to account
  • recurring_pay — make a recurring (CoF) payment
  • recurring_unbind — unbind the card from account
wsb_recurring_token yes Unique token of binding the card to user ID in the Store (wsb_customer_id) The value of this field appropriates the recurring_token field value, which was transferred in a notification after binding the card.

Payment services URLs for requests

In order to perform recurring (CoF) inquiries use for test environment and for real payments.

Initiating payment

In order to execute initiating payment you can use JSON API or create a form with special fields which are described in the table Payment form fields and Additional fields. Then to redirect a customer to payment service page by POST method.

In order to be able to add various cards and bind them you have to set wsb_test parameter to 0.

To prevent unsanctioned alterations there must be an order electronic signature — wsb_signature parameter. Attempts to make payments without an electronic signature will not be considered by the payment system.


It is possible to make an initiating payment with a zero amount to verify the payment card, when working with the acquiring bank "Priorbank" OJSC. To enable this feature, you need to contact the WEBPAY support service


To form an electronic signature you should set a value for "Secret key" field in your billing account settings (See: Secret key installation).

Signature is calculated in accordance with the following algorithm:

  1. All fields must be combined in a single string. The order of combination must be preserved:
    • wsb_seed
    • wsb_storeid
    • wsb_customer_id
    • wsb_order_num
    • wsb_test
    • wsb_currency_id
    • wsb_total
    • wsb_operation_type
    • SecretKey
  2. Depending on the protocol version (wsb_version) MD5 (if version is not specified) or SHA1 (for version 2) of combined string is calculated.

Code example

<form action="" method="post">
  <input type="hidden" name="*scart">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_version" value="2">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_language_id" value="russian">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_storeid" value="11111111">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_store" value="The name of your Store">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_order_num" value="ORDER-12345678">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_test" value="0">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_currency_id" value="BYN">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_seed" value="1242649174">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_return_url" value="">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_cancel_return_url" value="">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_notify_url" value="">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_invoice_item_name[0]" value="Goods 1">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_invoice_item_quantity[0]" value="2">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_invoice_item_price[0]" value="10">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_invoice_item_name[1]" value="Goods 2">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_invoice_item_quantity[1]" value="1">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_invoice_item_price[1]" value="0.5">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_total" value="20.90">
  <!-- In the example SecretKey equal 1 -->
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_signature" value="ebefd130602a41f95238b5bd5cd1f3f803456093">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_shipping_name" value="Shipping costs">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_shipping_price" value="0.98">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_discount_name" value="Discount">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_discount_price" value="0.58">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_email" value="">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_phone" value="375291234567">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_customer_id" value="aA1217Zz">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_operation_type" value="recurring_bind">
  <input type="submit" value="Buy">

Notification after initiating the payment

After successful payment the payer will receive an email with a bill and a message about subscription. Notification is sent to the Store in form of specifically formed POST request:

Name Description
batch_timestamp Transaction execution time
currency_id Transaction currency
amount Transaction amount
payment_method Transaction methods. Possible values: сс — card; test — without real processing
order_id Order number in WEBPAY system
site_order_id Order number (name) set by Store
transaction_id Transaction number
payment_type Transaction type. See Transaction types
rrn Transaction number in VISA/MASTERCARD system
wsb_signature Electronic signature
action Payment processing code
rc WEBPAY operation result internal code
approval Processing operation code
rc_text Textual representation of WEBPAY internal code
card Masked card number used for binding and operation
customer_id Customer ID in the Store`s system
operation_type Completed operation naming: recurring_bind — bind the card to the account; recurring_pay — execute recurring (CoF) payment; recurring_unbind — unbind the card from the account
recurring_token Card binding token meant for future recurring (CoF) payments execution
offer_exp_date Card`s expiration date in YYYY-MM-DD format (e.g. 2020-10-31)

The field wsb_signature formed according to the following rule. All fields must be combined in a single string. The order of combination must be preserved:

  • batch_timestamp
  • currency_id
  • amount
  • payment_method
  • order_id
  • site_order_id
  • transaction_id
  • payment_type
  • rrn
  • card
  • customer_id
  • operation_type
  • recurring_token
  • offer_exp_date
  • SecretKey

MD5 of the string is calculated by default.


If for any reason no notification is received and the payer claims that the payment is made successfully, we recommend to use the GetTransactionStatus API method to manage card transactions or contact the WEBPAY support service at to clarify the status of the transaction.

Recurring payment (Credential on File)

When working with the JSON API, use the following request.

When working with the HTML form, the following changes are made regarding the initial payment:

Parameter wsb_recurring_token is included to a signature after wsb_operation_type:

  • wsb_seed
  • wsb_storeid
  • wsb_customer_id
  • wsb_order_num
  • wsb_test
  • wsb_currency_id
  • wsb_total
  • wsb_operation_type
  • wsb_recurring_token
  • SecretKey

When getting a request for payment for an order WEBPAY system checks validity of recurring (CoF) payment. If validity is expired, payment will not be competed. If validity is not expired, payment goes without payment page for this particular user.

Code example

<form action="" method="post">
  <input type="hidden" name="*scart">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_version" value="2">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_language_id" value="russian">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_storeid" value="11111111">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_store" value="The name oа your Store">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_order_num" value="ORDER-12345678">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_test" value="0">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_currency_id" value="BYN">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_seed" value="1242649174">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_return_url" value="">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_cancel_return_url" value="">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_notify_url" value="">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_invoice_item_name[0]" value="Goods 1">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_invoice_item_quantity[0]" value="2">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_invoice_item_price[0]" value="10">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_invoice_item_name[1]" value="Goods 2">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_invoice_item_quantity[1]" value="1">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_invoice_item_price[1]" value="0.5">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_total" value="20.90">
  <!-- In the example SecretKey equal 1 -->
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_signature" value="d1a5110dc27d38a5fed50f98def59029ed5e1564">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_shipping_name" value="Shipping costs">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_shipping_price" value="0.98">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_discount_name" value="discount">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_discount_price" value="0.58">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_email" value="">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_phone" value="375291234567">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_customer_id" value="aA1217Zz">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_operation_type" value="recurring_pay">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_recurring_token" value="123456789">
  <input type="submit" value="Купить">

Notification after recurring payment

After successful payment Store receives notification with the same field that were described in the previous chapter with some exceptions. Request will not include offer_exp_date field and this filed is not included into combination for signature calculation.

The Store also receives a notification in response to a request to pay a recurring payment.

Response example

// Response about a successful recurring payment

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
rc_text=Операция завершена успешно&card=516052xxxxxx9495&customer_id=test_1&operation_type=recurring_pay&recurring_token=650449721

// Response to a recurring payment error

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Card unbinding from recurring (Credential on File) payments

To unbind the card from recurrent (CoF) payments using the JSON API, use the following request.

When working with an HTML form, the request to unbind the card from recurrent (CoF) payments must consist of the following set of fields:

  • wsb_version
  • wsb_seed
  • wsb_storeid
  • wsb_customer_id
  • wsb_operation_type
  • wsb_recurring_token
  • wsb_signature

Parameter wsb_signature calculated by combining the following fields into a single string:

  • wsb_seed
  • wsb_storeid
  • wsb_customer_id
  • wsb_operation_type
  • wsb_recurring_token
  • SecretKey

The order of combination must be preserved. Depending on the protocol version (wsb_version) MD5 (if version is not specified) or SHA1 (for version 2) of combined string is calculated.

Code example

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
      $secret_key = 'jPwe3d5nmN';
      $wsb_storeid = '507990464';
      $wsb_seed = time();
      $wsb_customer_id = '111333';
      $operation_type = 'recurring_unbind';
      $wsb_recurring_token = 904928145;
      $wsb_signature = sha1($wsb_seed.$wsb_storeid.$wsb_customer_id.$operation_type.$wsb_recurring_token.$secret_key);
      <form action="" method="post" target="_blanc">
        <input type="hidden" name="*scart">
        <input type="hidden" name="wsb_version" value="2" />
        <input type="hidden" name="wsb_seed" value="<?=$wsb_seed?>">
        <input type="hidden" name="wsb_storeid" value="<?=$wsb_storeid?>">
        <input type="hidden" name="wsb_customer_id" value="<?= $wsb_customer_id ?>">
        <input type="hidden" name="wsb_operation_type" value="<?= $operation_type ?>">
        <input type="hidden" name="wsb_recurring_token" value="<?= $wsb_recurring_token ?>">
        <input type="hidden" name="wsb_signature" value="<?= $wsb_signature ?>">
        <input type="submit" value="Unsubscribe from recurring payments">

Notification after unbinding card from the recurrent payments

For each unbinding request WEBPAY sends a positive or negative answer.

Response example

// Example of an answer about successful unbinding

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"rc_text":"Operation success"}

// Error answer example

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"rc_text":"Operation failed"}

Complete or partial refund

After successful card binding or recurring (CoF) payment via WEBPAY system, transaction gets the following status depending on acquiring bank:

Acquiring bank Transaction type Transaction status
"Priorbank" JSC Initiating Authorized → Completed
Recurring Recurrent
Credential on File Authorized → Completed
JSC "Belagroprombank"
JSC "Sber Bank"
Initiating Authorized → Completed
Recurring Authorized → Completed
JSC "Bank Dabrabyt" Initiating Authorized → Completed
Credential on File

In case when it is required to execute complete or partial refund you should use API (See: Managing operations). In advance you should send an inquiry to WEBPAY support to specifying IP address that will be used to send requests. Depending on acquiring bank and transaction type there will be different API requests for void/refund.

Acquiring bank Transaction type Request type Transaction status
"Priorbank" JSC Initiating, Recurring TransactionCancel (with the specified amount for refund to cardholder) Voided
Credential on File TransactionCancel (with the specified amount for refund to cardholder) Voided
JSC "Belagroprombank"
JSC "Sber Bank"
Initiating TransactionCancel (with the specified amount for refund to cardholder) Voided
Recurring TransactionComplete (partial financial conclusion for an amount that should be charged in favour of the Store) Completed
TransactionRefund (with the specified amount for refund to cardholder) Refund
JSC "Bank Dabrabyt" Initiating, Recurring, Credential on File TransactionCancel (with the specified amount for refund to cardholder) Voided

Installment cards

Payments with "PriorBank" JSC cards and "MTBank" CJSC (Halva) with installment plans

In order to make payments with "PriorBank" JSC cards and "MTBank" CJSC (Halva) with installment plans it is enough to form JSON API request or standard authorization request (HTML form) in accordance with Formation of an order for payment.

Goods paid for with "PriorBank" JSC cards and "MTBank" CJSC (Halva) cards with installment plans are a subject to specific installment plan type. Service provider may have a few different types of installment plans (1 month, 3 month etc.). There is a specific terminal number for service providers in "PriorBank" JSC cards and "MTBank" CJSC (Halva) for each installment plan type. Which installment plan to use is determined on the service provider`s side. Let us assume that there are two active installment plan types:

Installment plan type Terminal number
1 month 90000001
3 month 80000003

To specify the type of installment plan in the authorization request you have to additionally send wsb_terminal parameter, which should contain terminal number in accordance with the installment plan type. This value is passed by the acquiring bank to the Store when the agreement is concluded. For example, for an order with 3-month installment plan.

Present parameter should be involved in the order`s signature formation. This way, when specifying installment plan type in the authorization request, changes the order`s signature calculation algorithm. Electronic signature wsb_signature should be formed in accordance with the following rule from values of the following fields:

  • wsb_seed
  • wsb_storeid
  • wsb_order_num
  • wsb_test
  • wsb_currency_id
  • wsb_total
  • wsb_terminal
  • SecretKey

All fields must be combined in a single string. The order of combination must be preserved. Depending on the protocol version (wsb_version) MD5 (if version is not specified) or SHA1 (for version 2) of combined string is calculated.

Features of working with "PriorBank" JSC installment cards

The payment scenario will start after sending the request. In this scenario only the "PriorBank" JSC installment card is allowed to be entered for payment. When working with only one installment plan type, the Store doesn`t need to pass the wsb_terminal field.

Features of working with "MTBank" CJSC (Halva) installment cards

The payment scenario will start after sending the request. In this scenario only the "MTBank" CJSC (Halva or X-card where the Halva installment card is binding to) installment card is allowed to be entered for payment. When working with only one installment plan type, the Store doesn`t need to pass the wsb_terminal field. The WEBPAY system will determine the card entered by the payer and based on it, the payment will be made at the appropriate terminal.

If the Store is enabled to accept payments by installment cards of "MTBank" CJSC (Halva), a page with a block of information for payment will be displayed.

Payment page for payment by Halva installment card

When the customer enters X-card (the product of "MTBank" CJSC) and click the "Pay" button, the payer will be offered a choice of payment methods available for this product.

Selecting the payment method for the X-card

Code example

<form action="" method="post">
  <input type="hidden" name="*scart">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_version" value="2">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_language_id" value="russian">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_storeid" value="11111111">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_store" value="The name of your Store">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_order_num" value="ORDER-12345678">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_test" value="0">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_currency_id" value="BYN">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_seed" value="1242649174">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_return_url" value="">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_cancel_return_url" value="">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_notify_url" value="">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_invoice_item_name[0]" value="Goods 1">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_invoice_item_quantity[0]" value="2">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_invoice_item_price[0]" value="10">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_invoice_item_name[1]" value="Goods 2">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_invoice_item_quantity[1]" value="1">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_invoice_item_price[1]" value="0.5">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_total" value="20.90">
  <!-- In the example SecretKey equal 1 -->
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_signature" value="950f99293b3aa0d26ab11f69af7f4ba5441e42b5">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_shipping_name" value="Shipping costs">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_shipping_price" value="0.98">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_discount_name" value="Discount">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_discount_price" value="0.58">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_terminal" value="80000003">
  <input type="submit" value="Buy">

Payments with Halva Plus card

To make payments with Halva Plus card it is enough to form standard authorization request in accordance with Formation of an order for payment. When filling in Halva Plus card details and with allowance to pay with accumulated bonuses customer will see a separate page with payment type choice. On this page he will be able to choose the way he wants to pay for an order.

The choice of method of payment if payment is made by Halva Plus

If payment with accumulated bonuses is not allowed, a separate page with payment type choice will not be shown and payment will be automatically made with BYN charged from Halva Plus card

Apple Pay Payments


Apple Pay is a payment method for paying for goods and services using cards stored in Apple devices. Users are authenticated using Face ID, Touch ID, or password when using Apple Pay, and payments are made using tokenized card data.

Advantages of Apple Pay technology in comparison with card operations:

  • customer convenience — all card details are already stored in the Apple device and the user just needs to select a card from the list to start the payment process;
  • increased conversion — the authentication of the payment is carried out by the face or the fingerprint. The user does not need to wait and enter the sms password. This reduces the risk of payment errors and customer refusal to pay, and increases the conversion rate.

Apple Pay support on devices

Apple Pay payment technology is supported on devices:

  • iPhone — iPhone models with Face ID feature, Touch ID (except the iPhone 5s);
  • iPad — iPad Pro, iPad Air, iPad and iPad mini models with Touch ID or Face ID;
  • Apple Watch — Apple Watch Series 1 and Apple Watch Series 2, and later models;
  • Mac — Mac models with Touch ID.

Payment execution

The user has an additional button "Pay Apple Pay" on the payment page when using the device that support Apple Pay technology.

Payment page type with Apple Pay

When the user click the button, the payment process starts using the saved card on the device. It is also possible to enter the card number for payment without using Apple Pay technology.


There is no additional actions are required on the store`s side to enable Apple Pay payment technology. The WEBPAY system automatically connect the Apple Pay to all of our customers. If the Apple Pay button does not appear on the payment page of your store this may be due to the following reasons:

  • the acquiring bank does not yet support Apple Pay payments;
  • you receive donations;
  • you sell goods or services that are not allowed to be sold through Apple Pay (cigarettes, weapons, cryptocurrencies, etc);
  • your store has been found to be violating the Apple Pay terms of use.

You can contact your WEBPAY manager to solve your issue or to activate Apple Pay payments for your store with necessary steps.

Promo code for the VISA and MASTERCARD discount program usage

VISA/MASTERCARD discount program description

This mechanics is meant to be used with payments execution for service provider`s orders, which is a member of VISA/MASTERCARD discount program. This program involves discount if the payment is made with any VISA/MASTERCARD cards. You can also participate in VISA discount programs if the payment is made with one of the premium card types. If customer wants to use one of the VISA premium cards on the service provider`s side, WEBPAY controls the payment to be made with the specified card type.

The mechanism of working with a VISA and MASTERCARD promo code description:

  1. The customer wants to use one of the any VISA/MASTERCARD card or VISA premium card on the service provider`s side, WEBPAY controls the payment to be made with the specified card type or specified type of the VISA premium card.
  2. In accordance with specified premium card type service provider assigns values for discount and promo code. Discount amount is sent in wsb_discount_price (see: Fields for formation of shopping cart) field and must be considered in the order`s total price. It is also possible to send a discount description text in wsb_discount_name field. When working with the JSON API, use the following request.
  3. If the promo code value is passed and the service provider participates in the VISA or MASTERCARD discount program, the WEBPAY system checks the payer`s card for compliance with the promo code. If a difference is found, the payment is prohibited.

The values of possible promo codes for VISA/MASTERCARD cards that are passed in the wsb_discount_promo_code field are shown in the table below:

Card type Promo code value
VISA visa
MASTERCARD (Maestro and BELKART-MAESTRO cards are not included) mastercard

The values of possible promo codes for VISA premium cards that are passed in the wsb_discount_promo_code field are shown in the table below:

Card type Promo code value
VISA Gold gold
VISA Platinum platinum
VISA Infinite infinite

For example, if you choose to pay with a premium VISA Gold card, the authorization request will look like this.

The register of symbols of the promo code does not matter in this case. If you are allowed to make a payment without selecting the card type, the wsb_discount_promo_code field can be omitted or left empty.

Code example

<form action="" method="post">
  <input type="hidden" name="*scart">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_version" value="2">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_language_id" value="russian">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_storeid" value="11111111">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_store" value="The name of your Store">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_order_num" value="ORDER-12345678">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_test" value="0">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_currency_id" value="BYN">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_seed" value="1242649174">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_customer_name" value="Ivanov Ivan">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_customer_address" value="Minsk Shafarnyanskaya str. 11-54">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_service_date" value="Shipping till 1 january 2016 year">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_return_url" value="">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_cancel_return_url" value="">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_notify_url" value="">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_email" value="">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_phone" value="375291234567">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_invoice_item_name[0]" value="Goods 1">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_invoice_item_quantity[0]" value="2">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_invoice_item_price[0]" value="10">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_invoice_item_name[1]" value="Goods 2">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_invoice_item_quantity[1]" value="1">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_invoice_item_price[1]" value="0.5">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_total" value="31.40">
  <!-- In the example SecretKey equal 1 -->
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_signature" value="bc8ea3bee19c247d090c79c8bbb7974f9484db96">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_tax" value="10.50">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_shipping_name" value="Shipping costs">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_shipping_price" value="0.98">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_discount_name" value="Discount">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_discount_price" value="0.58">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_order_contract" value="Договор №152/12-1 от 12.01.19">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_discount_promo_code" value="gold">
  <input type="submit" value="Buy">

Testing out VISA/MASTERCARD discount program

The process of test payment request execution is similar to the JSON API or the one described in Formation of an order for payment apart from minor changes:

  1. You must contact WEBPAY technical support to enable your account to work under the VISA/MASTERCARD discount program.
  2. You need to send wsb_test parameter with 0 values to make different card numbers input available.
  3. You can use any numbers with 16 characters for VISA or MASTERCARD cards. You can generate such numbers with some help from When generating premium card numbers, use the following first 6 digits of the card (BIN card):
Card type BIN card
VISA Gold 480066
VISA Platinum 417685
VISA Infinite 455674

Visa Offers Platform

To enable the possibility of working with the Visa Offers Platform (VSP) system, you need to contact WEBPAY technical support

Technical documentation on integration with the VOIP system can be found here.

Operations through the AIS "Raschet" (ERIP)

Payment execution scenario through AIS "Raschet" (ERIP)

To perform a payment with ability to pay for purchase through AIS "Raschet" (ERIP) it is necessary to form JSON API request or a standard authorization request (Formation of an order for payment). For test environment, please, use this address, and for making real payments this:

If you need to create an invoice with ability to pay for purchase until a certain date, you need to pass the wsb_due_date field in authorization request. The value of this field must contain a timestamp in the Unix Timestamp format, until which the invoice will be available for payment.

After finishing the request a page with payment details will be displayed.

If the client is connected to receive payments for orders only through AIS "Raschet" (ERIP), a page with payment information block will be displayed.

Payment page for ERIP

If the client has an ability to pay for purchase not only through ERIP, but also by using a bank card, then payment page will show additional info block to enter card details.

You can also define an active tab with a payment instrument (card Payment / Payment through ERIP). When passing the wsb_tab field with the value erip in the POST request, the active tab will be "Payment through ERIP".

Payment page for ERIP and Internet acquiring

The payer has an ability to save order info to perform a payment later. To do this he needs to click the "Pay later" button. As a result, order information will be sent to the specified email.

Later payment

Here are examples of emails with order details that will be sent to the payer.

If the client have set up an ability to receive payments only through AIS "Raschet" (ERIP).

Notification for later payment ERIP

If the client have set up an ability to pay for purchases with a bank card or through AIS "Raschet" (ERIP).

Notification for later payment ERIP and Internet acquiring

Code example

<form action="" method="post">
  <input type="hidden" name="*scart">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_version" value="2">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_language_id" value="russian">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_storeid" value="11111111">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_store" value="The name of your Store">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_order_num" value="ORDER-12345678">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_test" value="1">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_currency_id" value="BYN">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_seed" value="1242649174">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_return_url" value="">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_cancel_return_url" value="">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_notify_url" value="">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_invoice_item_name[0]" value="Goods 1">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_invoice_item_quantity[0]" value="2">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_invoice_item_price[0]" value="10">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_invoice_item_name[1]" value="Goods 2">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_invoice_item_quantity[1]" value="1">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_invoice_item_price[1]" value="0.5">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_total" value="20.90">
  <!-- In the example SecretKey equal 1 -->
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_signature" value="266e9c04a24dfb5fc75775c42a831a49488f8303">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_shipping_name" value="Shipping costs">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_shipping_price" value="0.98">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_discount_name" value="Discount">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_discount_price" value="0.58">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_due_date" value="1586684975">
  <input type="submit" value="Buy">

Payment notification

If you make a payment through AIS "Raschet" (ERIP), the WEBPAY system notifies the Internet resource about performed operation by the wsb_notify_url (if it is specified in the form`s field or in the billing account settings). The transmitted fields are similar to those described in Standard POST request sent from WEBPAY to wsb_notify_url but with some exceptions. So, the payment_method field will contain the erip value. If the Internet-resource receives notification, it must reply with the 200 ("HTTP/1.0 200 OK"). The requests transmission will be ended after 30 days if the Internet-resource has eventually failed to accept notification.

Invoicing via FTP in AIS "Raschet" (ERIP)

Format of the uploadable file to the FTP-server (файл *.bill):

  1. Billing account ID;
  2. Invoice number;
  3. Amount;
  4. Commodity/service name;
  5. Invoice expiration date (dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss);
  6. Late fee — not required;
  7. Full name — not required;

File name: id billing-account_date+time.bill.

Example: 1234567_250817125700.bill

Example of a uploadable file:

123456789;789-Test;123.56;Goods 1;01.12.2017 16:51:29;1.86;Ivanov Ivan

123456789;789-Test;123.56;Goods 1;01.12.2017 16:51:29;; — a file example in case of some of the required fields are not filled.

After the invoicing a corresponding notification will come to the Store`s email:

  1. Successful invoicingSuccessful invoicing
  2. ОшибочноеError invoicingNotification about a non-unique file

FTP setup

Parameters of WEBPAY FTP:

User name: merchant

Host name (Port) for test environment: (port 2100)

Host name (Port) for real environment: (port 21)

Password (the same regardless of the environment used): YJmsJs4TpveX

An example of filling in the parameters in Total Commander:

Example of FTP settings

Payment of ERIP invoices for an arbitrary amount

It is possible to accept payments for services on one personal account an unlimited number of times when working through the ERIP and until the expiration date of the previously created account. This method of accepting payments is suitable for those organizations that, for example, have a contract with the buyer and the payment will be made in parts under the same contract for different amounts. Another example is the payment of a monthly subscription fee or the balance replenishment for next calculations under one contract.

To activate this functionality, it is necessary to provide for such a scenario when concluding a contract with the ERIP.

Additional technical settings of the WEBPAY service are not required except for the following actions:

  • you need to create an invoice in your WEBPAY personal account (Invoice creation from personal cabinet WEBPAY) for a certain/undefined buyer or via the API (Creating an invoice) with zero amount to pay with the permission to pay the invoice unlimited number of times;
  • the buyer will be able to enter the amount for payment independently when making a payment.

API for creating an invoice without moving to the payment page

Description of the order creation mechanism

You should contact WEBPAY technical support at to enable this functionality.

The service is used for invoices creation to pay in the WEBPAY system by API. Request is sent using POST method to URL-address: for test creation of the invoice, or to URL-address for real creation of the invoice. Each request must be signed by the Hmac algorithm which description is presented later in the second section.

Description of the request parameters and its example

Field name Type of data Required Field description Encoding and misc.
resourceId String yes Store ID in the WEBPAY system
resourceOrderNumber String yes Unique order number in the WEBPAY system
validThrough Date no Date, to which the order can be paid
shortDescription String no Short description of the order
creationTime Date no Creation date of the order
longDescription String no Detailed description of the order
languageCode String no Language code as specified in ISO 639-1
items Array yes Array of order items multiple
item ComplexType yes Order item items/
name String yes Commodity name items/item/
quantity Integer yes Quantity of goods items/item/
price ComplexType yes One item cost items/item/
amount BigDecimal yes One item cost items/item/price/
currency String yes Item currency as specified in ISO 4217 items/item/price/
urls Map yes Addresses array multiple
name Enum yes Possible values:
resourceReturnUrl — URL for redirection in case of successful authorization;
resourceCancelUrl — URL for redirection in case of unsuccessful authorization;
resourceNotifyUrl — URL for notification sending (paymentStatus).
url String yes URL corresponding to the above type ('name') urls/
discounts Array no Array of order discount items multiple
discount ComplexType yes Order discount discount/
name String yes Discount name discount/
promoCode String no Promo code discount/
type String no Discount type discount/
value ComplexType yes Discount value description discount/
amount BigDecimal yes Discount value discount/value/
currency String yes Item currency as specified in ISO 4217 discount/value/
shippings Array no Array of shippings multiple
shipping ComplexType yes Order shipping shipping/
name String yes Shipping name shipping/
value ComplexType yes Shipping value description shipping/
amount BigDecimal yes Shipping value shipping/value/
currency String yes Item currency as specified in ISO 4217 shipping/value/

For example, let`s examine a request which is formed in JSON format.

Request example

"shortDescription":"Test payment",
"longDescription":"This is a test payment",
"name":"Товар 1 UTF-8 1",
"name":"Product 2",
"promoCode":"promo code",

Description of the response parameters

Name Type Required Description
resourceId String yes Store ID in the WEBPAY system
resourceOrderNumber String yes Order number in the Store`s system
webpayInvoiceId Integer no Order ID in the WEBPAY system
webpayInvoiceNumber String no Unique order number in the WEBPAY system
invoiceURL String no Order URL address

Response of the WEBPAY system upon successful order creation.

Response example


WEBPAY response to an error, for example:

Response example

"errorMessage":"resourceOrderNumber: The field must be unique"}

Hmac signature generation mechanism

To fulfill an invoice creation request you must add a signature to the request using the Hmac algorithm. The signature is formed as follows — the Authorization http-header is added to the request. It has the following form:

Authorization: HmacSHA512 <apiKey>:<nonce>:<digest>


  • HmacSHA512 — signature algorithm,
  • apiKey — Store`s resource ID number,
  • nonce — randomly generated string,
  • digest — Hmac signature.

The following http-request fields are used in the signature:

  • METHOD\n
  • APIKEY\n
  • NONCE\n
Fields description
Field name Required field Field description
METHOD yes Request method (POST)
RESOURCE yes Resource, to which the request is executed. For example: /woc/order will be the string for signature in
QUERYSTRING Нет Request parameters. For example: id=11 will be the string for signature in
CONTENT_TYPE yes Http-header Content-type
APIKEY yes Store`s resource ID number
NONCE yes Randomly generated string. Shoul be uniq for each order
PAYLOAD yes Request body

Code example

$jsonString =

$nonce = 'Ykw5M85o2iLkTVgDWmz1yPIomi93gvL4AvQN';
$storeid = '349204746';
$secret = '123456';

$stringToSign = "POST\n/woc/order\napplication/json;charset=utf-8\n$storeid\n$nonce\n$jsonString\n";

$digest = hash_hmac('sha512', $stringToSign, $secret, true);
$hmacString = 'HmacSHA512 '.$storeid.':'.$nonce.':'.base64_encode($digest);
HmacSHA512 349204746:Ykw5M85o2iLkTVgDWmz1yPIomi93gvL4AvQN:/Ef0ipKEy2+ZW6cjtOWKr51o0stKbfWxnsRjLxGgT9s+ua6gklzj2BGLdp4/hTXxEZudpVfdcwyAB/I+eA2jfA==
$headers = array(
  "Authorization: $hmacString",
  "Content-type: application/json;charset=utf-8"

$url = '';

$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $jsonString);
$content = curl_exec($ch);
$httpCode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
$curlError = curl_error($ch);
print "$content\n";?>

Working without integration

The WEBPAY system provides work without integration with the Store`s website. You can accept payments by creating invoices from your WEBPAY personal cabinet.

Invoice creation from personal cabinet WEBPAY

Forming a new invoice for payment

To create a new invoice, go to "Invoices" section and press the "New invoice" button.

All your invoices are displayed in the "Invoices" menu, where is also located a search window, providing you with ability to search for different criteria: creation date, invoice name, merchant invoice name, invoice ID and account ID.

After pressing the "New invoice" button a pop-up form will appear with special fields that have to be filled. The "Select Account" field is required. In the "Select Account" you can create new account select "New Account" or select a previously created account.

Then you should fill the "First name" – specify a customer`s name to whose you want to file an invoice. Maximum field length is limited by 128 characters, while minimum length is 1 character. You may use any input format. This field is required.


Please note, that all the fields marked with * are required to fill. Fields that are not marked with * can be skipped.

Forming a new invoice for payment

The "Last name" field is also required. You should specify here a second name of a customer, who will receive your invoice. Maximum field length is limited by 128 characters, while minimum length is 1 character. You may use any input format.

Your invoice will be send to email specified in the "Email". field. This field is required. Maximum field length is limited by 128 characters, while minimum length is 4 characters. You can use only small Latin letters, numbers and "-" or "_" symbols.

The "Invoice name" is required. It is the unique order ID. Maximum field length is limited by 32 characters, while minimum length is 1 character. Any input format is allowed.


Please, note that for paying for purchase in the AIS "Raschet" (ERIP) system there will be used a number, typed in the "Invoice name" field. Its value MUST NOT start with "0" (zero). Creation of a multiple orders with the same number is PROHIBITED.

The "Currency" field is required. It specifies a currency that will be used for checkout. Currently there are four supported currencies to make payments:

  • belarusian ruble (BYN),
  • euro (EUR),
  • USA dollar (USD);
  • russian ruble (RUB).

The "Language" field is also required. On this stage you must choose a language for an invoice payment form. For now the system supports two languages:

  • russian,
  • english.
Create new invoice

The date till which your invoice needs to be paid is selected in the "Due date" field. This field is required. To select a date you should click on the watches icon, which located in the left part of the field. Pop-up calendar will appear where you can select day, month and year. You can also type payment`s date and time in the fields "Select date" and "Select time" using formats "yyyy-mm-dd" and "hh:mm:ss" accordingly. If you`ve changed your mind about invoice payment date during the form filling you can click on the watches icon again and change invoice payment date.

Next you need to add information about commodities/services to your invoice for which payment will be made. The name of a commodity/service is filled in the field "Product name". This field is required. Maximum field length is limited by 128 characters. Any input format is allowed.

You may skip the "Product code" field which contains product ID in the store. Maximum field length is limited by 32 characters, and minimum length is 1 character. You may use latin letter, numbers and "-"" or "_" symbols.

Choosing the time to pay the invoice

Next you need to fill the required field "Price". It contains a full product price without discount and shipping cost. Maximum field length is unlimited.

Commodities/services quantity is specified in the "Quantity" field. This field is required. Maximum field length is unlimited.


You can only enter an integer in the "Quantity" field.

You can add several commodities/services to invoice in the same way by clicking on the "Add field" button. You can also remove the commodity/service from invoice by clicking on the red icon "—" to the right of the item position.

The next fields are not required.

Shipping cost can be specified in the "Shipping and Handling" field. Maximum field length is unlimited.

Discount for a commodity/service can be specified in the "Discount" field. Maximum field length is unlimited.


Please, note, discount is typed without "-" (minus). The system will automatically deduct it from the order`s price. The final cost of the commodity/service with applied discount and shipping cost should not exceed the limit that was set in the Internet acquiring agreement.

If you wish to send payer an info message along with the invoice you can type it into the "Notes" field. Maximum field length is unlimited.

The filled out invoice

After clicking the "Save" button, the created invoice will appear first in the list.

If you click on the invoice card it will uncover the invoice details. You can use the "Edit invoice" button to make changes to an already created invoice.

The "Copy invoice URL" button will automatically copy the link into clipboard. URL allows to open invoice in a new tab and then to pay for purchase. You can send that link to a payer using any convenient way (SMS, email, messenger, etc.).

The "QR code" button allows you to open the code to move to the invoice. The code contains the same URL which can be identified by any mobile device that has a QR scanning function. That feature may be used, for example, for selling commodities in general stores.

Saved invoice

You can view detailed info about the invoiced customer and commodities/services contained in that invoice by clicking the "Show invoice" button. The button "Pay Invoice Now" is also located here.

View detailed info about the invoiced

After the invoice has been formed, the customer will receive an email with notification about new invoice and request to follow the link below to meet an invoice. Here is an example of email.

Example of email about new invoice

Example of notification email to meet an invoice using AIS "Raschet" (ERIP).

Example of email about new invoice using ERIP

Order payment

If a customer follows the provided link he will get on the payment form.

Order info

After clicking the "Pay Invoice Now" button, a customer will get on the WEBPAY payment page:

  • if you have an Internet acquiring connected;Платежная страница при интернет-эквайринге
  • if you have payment receiving through AIS "Raschet" (ERIP) connected;Платежная страница при ЕРИП
  • if you have both payment variants on your billing account (bank card and AIS "Raschet" (ERIP).Платежная страница при интернет-эквайринге и ЕРИП

Invoice creation from personal cabinet WEBPAY for installment cards

It is possible to create new invoices for payment by "MTBank" CJSC (Halva) and "Priorbank" JSC installment cards. If the customer has informed the Store that the payment will be made using an installment card, you can select for the current order the required installment period. If the Store has one installment type and the payment method is not selected, but the customer enters the Halva card, the payment will be made via the Halva installment type. If the Store has two or more installment types and the Store does not select the required terminal during creating new invoice, and the payer enters the Halva installment card, the payment will be rejected.

Invoice creation for installment cards

You will also see information about the terminal to which the invoice is issued, when viewing the detail of invoice.

Information about installments after payment

Editing an invoice for payment

If you need to make changes to an invoice that has already been generated, you can use the "Edit Invoice" button.

Изменение счета

After clicking on the button, the invoice you created will be displayed with the possibility to edit all fields:

  • When editing the "Select Account" field, you can change the previously selected customer to a new customer.
  • If you need to change the validity period of the invoice, you can change it in the "Due date" field by specifying the required date and time.
  • If you want to change the language of the payment form of the issued invoice, you must edit the "Language" field. The system supports two languages of payment form — Russian and English.
  • When editing an invoice, the field "Add field" is available, by clicking on it you can add new goods/services to the already created invoice. You can also remove goods from the invoice by pressing the "—" button.
  • Edit fields "Product code", "Product name", "Price", "Quantity", "Shipping and Handling", "Discount", as well as make changes in the field "Notes".
Изменение данных в счете

After you save a modified invoice, in the "Invoices" tab, clicking on the invoice card will open it and you will be able to see the information on the invoice. If you click on the "Invoice history" button, you will see the history of all the changes that were made while editing the invoice.

История изменений счета

Payments using the QR code

QR code payments are a method of accepting payments using a QR code image. To start accepting payments using a QR code, it is necessary to conclude an Internet acquiring agreement with WEBPAY partner bank that supports this payment method.

QR code payments are a convenient and easy way to accept payments for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. Their use does not require integration with the website, and they can also be used for both online and offline payments.

QR code single subdomain

To start accepting payments using the QR code, go to the WEBPAY personal account, the "QR code" section (enabled individually for the account):

Section QR code

The QR code is fixed and individual for a specific legal entity or individual entrepreneur and allows you to issue and pay an unlimited number.

You can use the "Download" and "Print" buttons for the convenience of working with the QR code. There is also a note "To copy QR to clipboard press right mouse button on image → "Copy image".

You will go to the payment form with address for real environment or for test after scanning the QR code.

Example of form:

Example of a form for payment using QR code

The following information is displayed on the invoice form:

  • Company name.
  • Company address, contact phone number and email.
  • The field "Amount" with the option to enter the payment amount.
  • The field "Currency" with a drop-down list of available currencies for the company.
  • The field "Product/service name" with the ability to enter information about the paid order.
  • The field "Email" to enter an email address for sending a card receipt for payment.

As a result of clicking the "Go to payment" button the payer will be redirected to the standard WEBPAY payment page, where the buyer can enter the card details for payment and make the payment.

The results of payments and reports can be viewed and / or downloaded in the required format in the WEBPAY personal account in the corresponding section.

Report on payments made by QR code

QR code unique subdomain

QR Code - a unique subdomain - is a ready-made resource that allows you to accept payments both online and offline, without the need to create your own website. This resource fully complies with the requirements of payment systems.

To start accepting payments by QR code, log in to the WEBPAY personal account, section "QR Code" (enabled individually for the account).

Section QR codes

Main characteristics of the QR code

  • QR code is fixed and individual for a particular legal entity or individual entrepreneur
  • QR code allows to issue and pay an unlimited number of invoices.

Working with QR code

To work with the QR code, you can use the "Download" and "Print" buttons. ТYou can also copy the QR code image to the clipboard by right-clicking on the image → "Copy Image"..

Scanning the QR code leads to a payment form that will have an address like:

Example form:

Example of a form for payment using QR code

Information on the payment form

The following information will be displayed on the QR page:

  • Company logo
  • Buttons for switching the language, the color of which can be customized to match the color of the company`s brand
  • Shop details that were given to us during connection
  • The address and opening hours of the store (the color of the icons can also be customized to match the color of the company's brand)
  • Required fields to be filled in by the payer (amount, currency, email, product/service name)
  • Additional fields that can be customized to the needs of the company (for example, full name, contract number, Phone number, Address, etc.)

If you press the "Payment information" button, general information about how the payment is made will be displayed.

Example of payment information

Payment by QR code

After the payer fills in all the necessary fields, he clicks on the "Go to the payment" button and makes the payment by entering the data of his bank card.


You can view and/or download the payment results and report in the required format in your personal WEBPAY account in the "Reports → QR reports" section. The column Additional data will display the data specified by the payer when making the payment.

Report on payments made by QR code

Merchant PCI DSS

Formation of a payment

In order to integrate with the WEBPAY system for PCI DSS merchants who work with card data on their websites or directly in their applications and want to use Host2Host integration, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Create a standard POST request (section Formation of an order for payment).
  2. Add the wsb_encrypted_data field to the request.
  3. Add the wsb_email field to the request. This is a mandatory field for this type of the request.
  4. Additionally, you can add the wsb_return_format field to specify the format of the response from our system.
Name of the field Required field Description Notes
wsb_encrypted_data yes This field contains encrypted JSON of the format {"cc_pan":"", "cc_exp":"", "cc_cvv":"", "cc_name":""}. Encrypted using the RSA algorithm using a public key from personal account.
wsb_email yes Customer`s email address.
wsb_return_format no Output format of the result. Possible value: json.


When forming the wsb_signature field (the signature formation mechanism is specified in the Electronic signature of an order), the wsb_encrypted_data field also participates in concatenation of parameters and is placed at the end before SecretKey. Then the standard payment scenario takes place.

Response fields

Fields Description
time The time of request
orderNumber The number of order
invoiceNumber The number of invoice
transaction Transaction Id
authorizationCode Authorization Code
Rrn The unique identifier of a bank transaction
trimPan Card number in the format 123456xxxxxx1234
payee Payment receiver
amount Payment amount
currency Payment currency
acsUrl Link for passing 3D-Secure
PaReq Parameter that is passed to the acs page
TermUrl Link for receiving response from acs page
MD Token for recovery the session after the acs page
tokenName The name of the token for recovery the payment session
token Token value for the recovery a payment session
availableOption The parameter contains possible values for the paymentType field. The list of values depends on the type of card and merchant settings. Possible values:
IpsPayment — ips terminal (default or, with routing turned on, a routed terminal)
halva — terminal of Halva
standard — terminal of Halva+ (payment in Belarusian rubles)
bonus — terminal of halva+ (bonus payment)
paymentType It is used when necessary to choose a payment option for cards. An empty value comes, it must be filled. Possible values for filling are taken from the availableOption field.
responseCode If an error occurs, contains an error code
responseText Contains an error desctiption

For payments by Halva+ card

WEBPAY in the response returns

Response example


If merchant receives such a response, he need to request a payment type from the client and send to WEBPAY a POST request with the following fields:

Request example

$params['wt'] = "effc84c25f202e28dd96b3197d682bfe611dd2e8e67233f46114094940a05fcf=73444a4f5f39324b764b767476517876622d647372676b49744444534c4d5
$params['payHalvaPlus'] = 1;
$params['paymentType'] = 'standard'; /* can contain values from the available obtained in the parameter availableOption */

PCI DSS payment scenario for 3D-Secure 1.0

Step 1

Generate a POST request as described in Formation of a payment and send it to for the real environment or to for the test environment.

Request example

  "wsb_shipping_name":"Стоимость доставки",
  "wsb_discount_name":"Скидка на товар",

After sending a request to the specified URL, WEBPAY will return in response filled fields acsUrl, PaReq, TermUrl, MD.

Response example


Step 2

Next, to continue the session, you need to send the received parameters to the URL, which is contained in the response in the acsUrl field. The request is sent by with the header Content-Type: multipart/form-data, containing in the body of the request the fields PaReq, MD, TermUrl with the values from the response from step 1.


  • Remove all backslashes "\" from acsUrl field value.
  • Replace the value of the TermUrl field with your URL, where you will process the response from acs.

Request example

$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
  CURLOPT_URL => '',
  CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => array('PaReq' => 'eJxVUctSwkAQvPsVFB\\/AvmBJqGEpNJZyMKBiWXpbNlOQkoSQhwa+3t0QBG\\/dvTM9Oz0wqZNt5xvzIt6l4y7r0e5E3cBykyMGr2iqHBU8YVHoNXbiyFZ4xhdGeN5wIKX2GDNU+1x4EdWR56M0\\/mAoqWZdBYvpC+4VtObKevc4kDO1rrnZ6LRUoM3+dhYqnzHOBJCWQoL5LFBccs6temKQ6gTVO64yfQDSEDC7Ki3zg7LtQM4EqnyrNmWZjQj5acp7K9vhVCCX0YvKocK61HGkwmDKPpP7fnjcfs2Dt2P48Fx\\/LNf9eTAbA3EVEOkSFadcUMllh\\/ERlSPhA2l00Ikbryijdo0ThsyNmF49XAtgE84xNQflC7vkHwOss12KtsLu9IchwsIQu8Dl23ePLj9T2mwY9RilnLsEG8GZxDYLPqSicXEEiGsh7XFIe1uL\\/t38FyiprZE=','TermUrl' => 'https:\\/\\/\\/?wt=48957735ca99cdb589ef07753ebaaef5=5255737a5a5539684b335a484f456c594b326b34537a6c59566c6c6e5233684d5a314a6b656b355159335934555734776447313662584e4555325645544459305430396c6545394b543152694c3273344d6b6b3454412c2c','MD' => '92a9c54404799d7a08634b0edf224f4d=634574725331424c6454684e57574a574e6c5669523068794e3352545a5339355756564f646e4a704d47356b5548686b595664794e79394e55444245526e4934646b355957697448574642686355394d6479394864512c2c'),
    'Content-Type: multipart/form-data'

$response = curl_exec($curl);

echo $response;

After sending the request, you will receive a form where the payer must enter the 3D-Secure code received via SMS to the cell phone number to which his bank card is linked.

After the payer has entered the 3D-Secure sms-code and clicked the Confirm button, your URL for processing the response from acs, specified earlier in the TermUrl field, will receive the parameters — token, PaReq, MD — necessary to restore the session in WEBPAY.

Response example

  "PaReq":"eJxVUe1ugkAQfBXjA3gfSCtmvQSqrTTB2JbWyD88NoVUAQ9o5e17h1jtbmdvd2Z21kIU4U4f0PZKBQQYFXFnzjIktmQWRa3J1Y5FLB2XEo4BtVlRW5YCM64kAuUHcpmcZ5LSC WR89fiTGzObs",

Step 3

You need to send a POST request to WEBPAY with the parameters that came from acs in step 2.

To restore the session in WEBPAY you should send POST-request to{token} — for real environment or to{token} — for test environment, where:

  • token — the value of the token field that came in the response from acs in step 2 (you can also pass the MD parameter instead of this parameter).

The request body should contain MD and PaReq parameters, also received from acs at step 2.

Step 4

WEBPAY receives your request from step 3, processes it, sends it to the processing and returns to you the response in JSON format. Note that the response comes from the WEBPAY service in the data field.

Response example

    "time":"2023.06.26 13:25:58",
    "payee":"\u041e\u041e\u041e \u00ab\u0412\u0415\u0411 \u041f\u042d\u0419\u00bb",

PCI DSS payment scenario for 3D-Secure 2.0

Step 1

To integrate PCI DSS payment for 3D-Secure 2.0, follow the instructions below:

  1. Generate the POST request as described in section Formation of a payment.
  2. Add the wsb_tds_notification_url field to the request, which must contain the value of the URL to which the payer will be redirected after 3D-Secure verification and to which you will return the parameters with the result of the 3D-Secure session.
  3. Send the request to — for the real environment or to — for the test environment.

Request example

  "wsb_shipping_name":"Стоимость доставки",
  "wsb_discount_name":"Скидка на товар",

After sending a request to the specified URL, WEBPAY will return in response filled fields token, acsUrl, creq.


When passing 3D-Secure verification by Frictionless flow (3D-Secure authentication process without the the cardholder's participation. The issuing bank independently collects data about the transaction, including the device from which it is made, and assesses the possible level of fraud. If no threats are detected, the payment confirmation goes unnoticed by the payer), the request from step 1 will receive a response from step 3.

Response example

    "acsUrl": "https:\/\/\/acs\/api\/3ds2\/creqbrw",

Step 2

Next, to continue the session, you need to send the received parameters to the URL, which is contained in the response in the acsUrl field. The request is sent by with the header Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded, containing in the body of the request the field creq with the value from the response from step 1.


  • Remove all backslashes "\" from acsUrl field value.

Request example

POST /acs/api/3ds2/creqbrw HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 327


After sending the request, you will receive a form where the payer must enter the 3D-Secure code received via SMS to the cell phone number to which his bank card is linked.

After the payer has entered the 3D-Secure sms-code and clicked the Confirm button, the payer will be redirected to the URL you specified in step 1 in the wsb_tds_notification_url field also to the specified URL will be sent parameters with the result of the 3D-Secure session, necessary to restore the session in WEBPAY.

Step 3

To restore a session in WEBPAY you should send POST-request with the header Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded to{token} — for a real environment or to{token} — for a test environment, where:

  • token — the value of the token field that came in the response from acs in step 2.

The request body should contain the parameters received from acs in step 2 (there can be several parameters, for example, CRes and threeDSSessionData).

Request example

POST /?wt=92a2b7aefffcf9d7291e2a068bb0346c%3D526b5a5252557073596e497264314e4c56336c6c64475253556e4e7556474e3565574572596d523156545a48616d6377544752574f486432556d7830526e686155486c495a456f774d484e506432396a5557706859772c2c HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 324


WEBPAY receives your request, processes it, sends it to the processing and returns to you the response in JSON format.

Response example

  "time": "2023.07.14 11:59:03",
  "orderNumber": "ORDER-d213e35",
  "orderNote": "",
  "invoiceNumber": "181060384",
  "transaction": "909062398",
  "authorizationCode": "KDNVSQ",
  "rrn": "319511005218",
  "trimPan": "220073xxxxxx8210",
  "payee": "ООО «ВЕБ ПЭЙ»",
  "customerName": "",
  "customerAddress": "",
  "serviceDate": "",
  "pdfUrl": "",
  "language": "ru",
  "items": [
      "name": "test",
      "quantity": 1,
      "price": "0.10",
      "totalAmount": "0.10",
      "commission": "0.00"
  "amount": "0.10",
  "currency": "BYN"

Recurrent (Credential on File) payment for PCI DSS merchants

The PCI DSS merchant should study the standard work with recurrent payments to make recurrent (CoF) payments and make minimal changes to requests.

Initiating payment

The algorithm for generating the signature for the order is changed by adding the field wsb_encrypted_data (the rule for the formation of this field can be found here) before the parameter SecretKey, when creating the initiating payment for PCI DSS merchants. The electronic signature wsb_signature must be formed according to the following rule from the values of the following fields:
  • wsb_seed
  • wsb_storeid
  • wsb_customer_id
  • wsb_order_num
  • wsb_test
  • wsb_currency_id
  • wsb_total
  • wsb_operation_type
  • wsb_encrypted_data
  • SecretKey

All fields must be combined in a single string. The order of combination must be preserved. Depending on the protocol version (wsb_version) MD5 (if version is not specified) or SHA1 (for version 2) of combined string is calculated.

Recurring payment (Credential on File)

When forming a request for recurrent (CoF) payments, the field wsb_signature can be formed according to the standard scheme or with the addition of the field wsb_encrypted_data (the rule for the formation of this field can be found here) before the parameter SecretKey:

  • wsb_seed
  • wsb_storeid
  • wsb_customer_id
  • wsb_order_num
  • wsb_test
  • wsb_currency_id
  • wsb_total
  • wsb_operation_type
  • wsb_recurring_token
  • wsb_encrypted_data
  • SecretKey

Card unbinding from recurring (Credential on File) payments

The request to unbind the card from recurrent (CoF) payments does not change and is carried out according to the standard scheme.

Payment using previously binded cards in another PSP

If you have payment cards previously binded by your payer from another PSP provider and you want the subsequent recurrent payment will be completed through WEBPAY, then you need to do the following:

  1. Create a request for a recurring payment
  2. In the field wsb_encrypted_data (the rule for the formation of this field can be found here), pass the data of your payer's payment card, except for the field cc_cvv. The fields cc_pan, cc_exp, cc_name contain cardholder data, and the field cc_cvv is left empty.

Payment modules for payouts

This guide describes the process of developing a payment modules for payouts with using the WEBPAY system for Internet resources connected to Internet acquiring. The functionality is available when working through the acquiring Bank of OJSC "Belveb".

B2C/W2C (BelVEB Bank)

General description

For depositing and payouts funds on your website the payer is allowed to using cards of payment systems MASTERCARD, VISA, BELKART issued by any Belarusian bank. Foreign cards are not allowed for payouts according to the rules of payment systems.

Scheme of work

The first refill of the account card binding (assignment token)

  1. The payer initiates the refill of the account.
  2. An Internet resource generates an authorization POST request and redirects the payer to the WEBPAY payment page, where the payer enters his cards (Formation of an order for payment).
  3. After filling in the necessary data by the payer, the WEBPAY system sends request to the acquirer bank for transactions and get a response on the results of passing.
  4. After receiving a response from the acquiring bank, the WEBPAY system sends to the Internet resource a notifier containing information about successful/error transaction. In the case of a successful operation, the notification will include the card token (a binding occurs by wsb_customer_id) and a card in the format 4***********1234).
  5. The Internet resource displays a card in the payer`s personal account in the format 4***********1234 (if it necessary).
  6. On its side, the Internet resource necessarily collects the information about a payer (full name and address).

Subsequent deposits to accounts

  1. If it`s necessary to make a new refill by the same payer, the Internet resource sends a new POST request to the WEBPAY system indicating wsb_customer_id.
  2. The WEBPAY system restores the payer`s card number, cardholder`s name, and expiration date. The payer only needs to enter the CVV/CVC code. Also for each deposit the payer passes 3D-Secure verification.

Payouts of funds from the payer`s account

  1. The payer in his personal account of the Internet resource initiates the payout of funds by selecting a card from the list (the list displays the payer`s cards in the format 4***********1234, from which he previously made a deposit to the account), to which the payout must be made.
  2. The payer indicates the amount he wants to payout funds.
  3. The Internet resource sends a request to the WEBPAY system, where it indicates the card token (any operation that took place for this wsb_customer_id), to which funds must be payout, also the Internet resource sends the information about the payer (full name and address. The fields are described in the table Description of table fields for B2C type of operation) when working with B2C type of operation or sends the information about the receiver and the sender ( Description of table fields for W2C type of operation).
  4. According to the received data, the WEBPAY system finds the payer`s card and makes request for payout to the acquiring Bank.
  5. The WEBPAY system gets the result of processing the request from the acquiring bank.
  6. After receiving the result from the acquiring bank, the WEBPAY system sends a notifier to the Internet resource containing the result of the payout operation.

The development of payment module

Operation type Documentation
Refill, card binding and subsequent refill Formation of an order for payment,
Simplified payment
Payout funds Service WSBApi (TransactionB2C request for operation type B2C or TransactionW2C for operation type W2C). Before using, you must inform the IP address from which will be sent a transaction request

Refill, card binding and subsequent refill

The Internet resource should send an authorization POST request to the WEBPAY system in accordance with Formation of an order for payment and Simplified payment. The card token is passed in the transaction_id field.

Payout funds

You should use the URL and TransactionB2C/TransactionW2C request (Service WSBApi) for testing B2C/W2C.

The addInfo field for operations B2C is a json string consisting of the values represented in the table.

The addInfo field for operations W2C is a json string consisting of the two objects senderData and receiverData with values represented in the table.

Description of table fields for operations type B2C

Tag Type Description Value Format
C1 T First Name ans ...35
C2 T Middle Name ans 1
C3 T Last Name ans ...35
C4 T Street Address ans ...50
C5 T City ans ...25
C6 T State/Province Code ans ...3
C7 T Country ans 3
C8 T Postal Code ans ...10

ans – alphabetic, numeric and special characters.

Code example

<TransactionB2C xmlns= "">
    <addInfo>{"C1":"LNAMES","C2":"V","C3":"LNAMES","CC":"00", "C4":"av. POBEDITELEY101","C5":"MINSK","C7":"112","C8":"220019"}</addInfo>

Description of table fields for operations type W2C

Description of table fields senderData
Tag Type Description Value Format
C1 T First Name ans ...35
C3 T Last Name ans ...35
C4 T Street Address ans ...50
C5 T City ans ...25
C6 T State/Province Code ans ...3
C7 T Country ans 3

ans – alphabetic, numeric and special characters.

Description of table fields receiverData
Tag Type Description Value Format
C1 T First Name ans ...35
C3 T Last Name ans ...35

ans – alphabetic, numeric and special characters.

You should use a test card for testing, the data of test card you can get by contacting us by

The Internet resource should request the status of transaction using the get_transaction method (Payment verification) after receiving a response from the WEBPAY system.

Code example

<TransactionW2C xmlns= "">
    <addInfo>{"senderData":{"C1":"Company Name","C3":"IVANOV","C4":"st. Shafarnyanskaya, 11, of. 54","C5":"MINSK","C6":"BY","C7":"112"},"receiverData":{"C1":"IVAN","C3":"IVANOV"}}</addInfo>

If multiple payouts are made with the same transaction_id the Internet resource can use the GetTransactionStatus (Service WSBApi).

In this example, the Internet resource should only replace the values in the fields: store_id, login, password, transaction_id.

Code example

$wsdl_url = '';
try {
  $soap_client = new SoapClient($wsdl_url, $defaultOptions);
} catch (SoapFault $e) {
  print $e->getMessage();
$params = array(
  'store_id'=> 'store_id',
  'login'=> 'login',
  'transaction_id'=> 'transaction_id',
  'order_num'=> 'order_num'
try {
  $r = $soap_client->GetTransactionStatus($params);
} catch (SoapFault $exception) {
  echo $exception;

P2P (BelVEB Bank)

General description

For payout funds on your website the payer is allowed to use MASTERCARD, VISA, BELKARD payment systems issued by any Belarusian bank. The types of cards to which funds can be payout are determined by the acquiring bank. Foreign cards are not allowed for payouts according to the rules of payment systems.

The payout of funds is carried out from the corporate card of your organization.

The development of payment module

The WEBPAY system provides two ways of forming payouts using the P2P type

  1. Payout without using card tokenization:
  2. Payout using card tokenization.

Creation of standard POST request

To make a P2P payouts of funds, it is necessary to form a standard POST request (according to Formation of an order for payment), to which the following fields are additionally passed:

Name of the field Required field Description
wsb_encrypted_data yes This field contains encrypted JSON of the format {"cc_pan":"", "cc_exp":"", "cc_cvv":"", "cc_name":""}. Encrypted using the RSA algorithm using a public key from personal account.
wsb_output_via_corpocard no

Possible values: true, false

The default value false

true – used to payout funds, false – used for depositing funds


When forming the wsb_signature field (the mechanism for generating of the signature is specified in Electronic signature of an order) the wsb_encrypted_data field is also involved. It is put in the end, before the Secret Key from the billing settings, when parameters are concatenated. Then a standard payment script occurs. The difference is only in the response format. The WEBPAY system gives the answer in JSON format.


When forming a P2P request for payout of funds (in the field wsb_output_via_corpocard the value true is passed) the fields wsb_invoice_item_name, wsb_invoice_item_quantity, wsb_invoice_item_price are optional.

Request example

<form action="" method="post">
  <input type="hidden" name="*scart">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_version" value="2">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_storeid" value="240869199">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_order_num" value="ORDER-1234567822223">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_test" value="0">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_currency_id" value="BYN">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_seed" value="dfdasf3i232m13ijdsmcvm">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_output_via_corpocard" value="true">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_encrypted_data" value="bhch48Wu4Esi3Y7jVq/d+0A3VqdzBsRvobhDxLrWsQyl6+ogVSIxMxM8S/4EVyGeNXO6VR/FA1UnvzLvehhDWMeEZFv04SAktt5BTABXcjgWm7ZJ3tiXEv1c1UuMDCk88xhDDyfSaPaCJMxnQhA3Wo9qfXhFebDwtIUljP7MCs41woxAQx8v9f8fm3FHS2+RnrN+HRAhgM34hR3OwYx/1llgu0L78++Ovrf6ZjQqYArv8YoV8E9y5cWrGYdUp2ogmfOkvGX/wI+wZ0FoAIuwAWiUknca7zClbwfgshw4wV4p0w==">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_return_url" value="">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_cancel_return_url" value="">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_notify_url" value="">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_total" value="1.00">
  <!-- In the example SecretKey equal 1 -->
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_signature" value="04c0129511a4df53e74676f0cb18ac2a1d34a8e2">
  <input type="submit" value="Pay out">

After sending the request, the payer redirected to the WEBPAY payment page to enter the card number to which funds will be payout from your corporate card.

Payout P2P

Payment notification

Upon successful payout of funds, the WEBPAY system notifies the Internet resource about the operation at the address wsb_notify_url (if it is specified in the form`s field or in the billing account settings). The transmitted fields are similar to those described in Standard POST request sent from WEBPAY to wsb_notify_url but with some exceptions. So, the payment_method field will contain the p2p value. If the Internet-resource receives notification, it must reply with the 200 ("HTTP/1.0 200 OK"). The requests transmission will be ended after 30 days if the Internet-resource has eventually failed to accept notification.

P2P (MTBank)

General description

For depositing and payout funds on your website the payer is allowed to use MASTERCARD, VISA, BELKARD payment systems. The types of cards to which funds can be payout are determined by the acquiring bank.

The development of payment module

The WEBPAY system provides two ways of forming payouts using the P2P type

  1. JSON API.
  2. Creation of standard POST request.

Creation of standard POST request


All payouts operations are implemented with required binding to the input operation.

To execute the operation of depositing funds and binding the card, it is necessary to form one of the following types of requests:

In the response will be transaction_id parameter for further realization payout on it.

Payouts of funds

To make a P2P payouts of funds, it is necessary to form a standard POST request (according to Formation of an order for payment) to the address for a test environment or for a real environment, to which the following fields are additionally passed:

Name of the field Required field Description
wsb_token_p2p yes

The value of this field corresponds to the value of the transaction_id field transmitted in the notification after the card was entered and binded.

wsb_output_via_corpocard_mtb yes

The field always contains the value true and indicates the payout of funds.

wsb_customer_id yes Unique user ID in the Store.


When forming a P2P request for payout of funds the fields wsb_invoice_item_name, wsb_invoice_item_quantity, wsb_invoice_item_price are optional.

Electronic signature wsb_signature to execute a P2P request for the payout of funds must be formed according to the rules from the following fields:

  • wsb_seed
  • wsb_storeid
  • wsb_customer_id
  • wsb_order_num
  • wsb_test
  • wsb_currency_id
  • wsb_total
  • SecretKey

All fields must be combined in a single string. The order of combination must be preserved. Depending on the protocol version (wsb_version) MD5 (if version is not specified) or SHA1 (for version 2) of combined string is calculated.

Request example

<form action="" method="post">
  <input type="hidden" name="*scart">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_version" value="2">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_storeid" value="240869199">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_order_num" value="ORDER-1234567822223">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_test" value="0">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_currency_id" value="BYN">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_seed" value="dfdasf3i232m13ijdsmcvm">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_token_p2p" value="164941648452655">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_output_via_corpocard_mtb" value="true">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_customer_id" value="164968">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_return_url" value="">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_cancel_return_url" value="">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_notify_url" value="">
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_total" value="1.00">
  <!-- In the example SecretKey equal 1 -->
  <input type="hidden" name="wsb_signature" value="c6e16f9fa0837eff0585b1046431a134839fbc14">
  <input type="submit" value="Pay out">


Managing operations

You can use the documentation to configure operation management yourself:


You should send a request to the WEBPAY support service at to specify the IP address from which requests will be made.


If for any reason no response is received from the WEBPAY system we recommend to repeat the request with an increasing frequency of up to 1 hour. If the WEBPAY system has not returned a response, then mark such operations and send them to

Server SDK

Server SDK is a library in PHP for requests to the WEBPAY payment page. There is no need to create html form yourself. The server SDK is located at

An example request is posted here:

Requests for reporting

The WEBPAY system provides two ways for receiving API reports from real environment personal account

  1. GET method.
  2. POST method.
When using the GET method the URL is formed according to the following scheme:


Header Authorization: login:password


When using the POST method the request is made to the following URL:



RESTRICTION: date range must be less than 3 months or the file must contain less than 100000 entries.

Code example

private String email;
private Integer login;
private String password (md5);
@JsonFormat(shape = JsonFormat.Shape.STRING, pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd")
private Date startDate;
@JsonFormat(shape = JsonFormat.Shape.STRING, pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd")
private Date endDate;
@JsonFormat(shape = JsonFormat.Shape.STRING, pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd")
private Date startFinancialCompletionDate;
@JsonFormat(shape = JsonFormat.Shape.STRING, pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd")
private Date endFinancialCompletionDate;
@JsonFormat(shape = JsonFormat.Shape.STRING, pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd")
private Date startReversalDate;
@JsonFormat(shape = JsonFormat.Shape.STRING, pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd")
private Date endReversalDate;

// Request sent by the POST method
  "login": "test",
  "password": "3434c7ab03ecfbde62ae697a7c66ae8e",
  "startDate": "2019-12-20",
  "endDate": "2019-12-30",
  "reportFormat" : "JSON",
  "startFinancialCompletionDate" : "2019-12-20",
  "endFinancialCompletionDate" : "2019-12-30",
  "startReversalDate" : "2019-12-20",
  "endReversalDate" : "2019-12-30"

Description of fields in request

  • payment_module_url — address for receiving the report. Possible value:
  • reportType — type of the report. Possible value:
    • RECONCILIATION_REPORT — reconciliation report,
    • RECEIPT_OF_FUNDS — receipt of funds,
    • ERIP_PAYMENT_RESULTS — ERIP payment results,
    • ERIP_TRANSACTION_LOG — ERIP transaction log.
  • email — email address to which the report can be sent. The report will be received via specified email with a delay (up to 10 minutes) after the required information is downloaded from data base.
  • reportFormat — format of the report. Possible value:
    • JSON — the report will be sent in JSON format,
    • EXCEL — the report will be sent as an .xlsx file.
  • startDate, endDate — date range for all types of operations.
  • startFinancialCompletionDate, endFinancialCompletionDate — date range for financial completion transactions. The values of these dates should not exceed the dates specified in the startDate and endDate respectively, otherwise the report will be generated within the range of dates specified in the startDate and endDate fields.
  • startReversalDate, endReversalDate — date range for cancellation/return operations. The values of these dates should not exceed the dates specified in the startDate and endDate respectively, otherwise the report will be generated within the range of dates specified in the startDate and endDate fields.
  • login — login from personal account.
  • password — password from personal account encrypted in MD5.